Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Stolen Hearts

So I decided to be lazy and not do any...thing... uh, who the frak are y- *thud*

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Hey everypony, it's Wendy K. here. Apparently, Josh was too lazy to post an entry today so I'm here to "hijack" his blog. So, let's get on with it, shall we?

Today's been pretty good so far. We went shopping, we had some lunch. And somehow I ended up here, posting today's entry for my lazy boyfriend...yeah. Still, despite his laziness, his silliness, and all his cute little quirks, I still enjoy every minute I'm with him. He's a good knight to me and he makes me happy.

Oh yeah, never mind that thud you heard earlier. I didn't knock Josh out or anything, that was just him being silly for dramatic effect or whatever. He's actually just sitting right by me looking at the new book he got today. He seems pretty excited about it too, I think he let out a squeal at one point. (He's such a dork sometimes <3)

Oh crap, it looks like he's "waking up." Gotta go!

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*regains consciousness* Urgh... geez, the back of my head is killing me. Who knocked me out? *looks around and finds... nobody* Huh. Weird. Just like how today's entry is formatted. *clears throat*

The Secret's Out!
(What that interrogation revealed.)

Okay, I might as well post something... seeing as how it's been a while since I've made any kind of announcement on here or anything like that. That, and I think I've got double vision right now... maybe I should go get myself checked in into a hospital or something.

As stated roughly two and a half weeks ago, I was "interrogated" by my friends for the opening parts of the trip to Culver City about some news that one or two of them heard offhand while they were visiting my local Target and saying hi.

So, you know how I've been so cryptically happy this past month or so? How strangely romantic I've sounded and how upbeat I've been?

❒ (Sadly) Single
✓ (Happily) Taken
❒ (Mentally) Dating Sailor Mercury
Yeah, that's why - I have a very special somepony. And yes: she's the one who knocked me unconscious hijacked the entry totally knocked me unconscious. <3

So if the opening of this entry wasn't an indicator, I'm pretty sure this will be. Sometimes I don't get why I have to be this blatant about things when I make them (cryptically) obvious... but eh.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go enjoy the rest of my day have a doctor see if I've got a concussion. Now if you'll excuse me, I must go speak with the dolphins.

Wikiwikiwikiwoooooo... *falls unconscious*

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