Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Waiting is Hell

Nobuo Uematsu - "Timber Owls"
Final Fantasy VIII Original Soundtrack

I feel like this particular piece is one of the most definitive "I'm bored!" musical pieces ever.

Okay, maybe not just boredom. It best accompanies situations in real life where the following questions are likely to be asked:
  • What the [expletive] am I doing here...!?
  • Are you guys/gals idiots?
  • [any question involving someone else's competency]
  • Why do we have to waiiiiiit!?
  • And your answer is...?
The last two currently apply in my life at this given point in time. Some jobs out there have you "on-call" at times, and you've no choice but to wait the whole day to see if they want you to come in or not.

It's inconvenient, yes - you can't really enjoy your day fully until that call is made. (And if you are called in, you get to enjoy less of it.) Despite the words I used in the previous sentence, I'm not complaining - I'm happy to have a job. Being on-call is a small price to pay if you want to get paid.

It's just this waiting that's killing me! *laughs* You don't know when that call is going to come in - and if it does, you don't know whether it's a "yeah, come in at such-and-such time" call or a "we're good, enjoy your day" one. You can't properly plan to be with people. You can't really slow-cook (barring the use of a slow-cooker). You can't have a day trip because you don't know if it'll suddenly end when you get a call and you're 200 miles away.

Again: not complaining. It's just that I kinda wanted to know what my friends who had jobs that were "on-call" at times were like. I got my wish, and I think I'm going to claw my brains senseless with it as a result. No matter - this is one day... of two. *le sigh*

Just picture yourself having to wait for anything for an extended period of time. Now throw in "Timber Owls" as musical backing. You have the setting in-game, where the titular resistance group makes an early rendezvous with the main party and must now wait before their plan can move forward. Add some incompetent resistance members and some complaints about stomach pains and you're all set!

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