Saturday, September 3, 2011

World Warrior Gym League Profile: Josh Blanco

Inspired by a post my friend Matt made on his blog, I figured I'd make my own Pokémon-themed "gym leader profile" of sorts.

Confused? You probably are. A little backstory for y'all before I continue:

Now, obviously I haven't been as active with the Pokémon world in ages - the last entry with a "Pokémon" tag is dated all the way back in April 13. While I've been a dedicated fan and veteran trainer-slash-breeder since the release of Red and Blue, I haven't fiddled around with the world of Black and White as crazily as I did before - on my copy of White Vesrion I've only clocked in at 49:59, which is nothing compared to my infamous copy of Diamond Version which has... oh, about 1600+ hours on it (the gameplay timer stops at 999:59).

There have been a plethora of theories on why I haven't done anything (gamer burnout, too many things on my plate, life, etc.), but I figure one of these days - like, when I finally request a much-needed vacation from work or something - I'll put some time into White and finally defeat the Elite Four. (Yes, I said "finally." I'm outside the eighth gym and I've yet to start it - all because I'm too lazy to train my newly-hatched Axew.)

Anyway, during the heyday of HeartGold and SoulSilver last year, my friend Matt proposed an interesting idea for us dedicated Pokémon trainers: a "World Warrior Gym League." He proposed that eight of us would raise a custom team of Pokémon with a common type, design our own badges and pseudo-themes, and challenge any random person who played into defeating our league.

This was 2010, and naturally, I was more... well, let's just say "negative" about life and disillusioned to all things related to it back then. (Obviously this is all but extinct right now. Yay, me.) I was also considering retirement from the Pokémon world, which - to all my gamer friends - was a big shock. However, Matt kept a reserve slot aside for me and asked for my element should I decide to join the World Warrior ring. I don't remember what types I asked to keep in case, but I know Dark was one of them. (Very fitting for someone like me back then - very emo depressed emo. *shrugs*)

Of course, knowing how life operates, the World Warrior ring never came to officially be (although some of our friends raised a customized team regardless). However, the idea still sounds interesting, and so I decided to figure out what I would do. It'd be an interesting dive into theorycraft (something I do way too much sometimes), and at the same time I get to associate video games into the equation.

Before we get to the gym and how it'd be, let me introduce the idea for the team I'd breed and train if I were to join the World Warrior Gym League now (listed by order of National Dex Number)...

#196: Umbreon (Dark)
Chariselle (female)
Chariselle, my Blood Elf Paladin in World of Warcraft (US-Ravenholdt - RP-PvP). As I designed her RP backstory to be darker than most generic Blood Elf RPers, it'd make sense to use her name to name one of my Pokémon. That, and since Chari's specced as Protection, it matches Umbreon even more - it is the defensive-statted Eeveelution, after all.
I figured I could use practice using a defensive-oriented Pokémon. My usual lineup consists of sweepers and blitzers, so a change-up would be fun indeed.

#229: Houndoom (Dark/Fire)
Marine (any gender)
Members of the United States Marine Corps are sometimes referred to as "devil dogs." Look at Houndoom and I think you'll see how obvious it is from there.
Dark-types usually don't have the Special Attack to be a contender. Houndoom are one of the few Dark Pokémon whose Special Attack and Speed make it a viable fighter in an arena.

#359: Absol (Dark)
Scout (any gender)
"You're a scout, too, are you not? Then let us duel with blades."
- Vamp
(Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots)
Absol's always been one of my favorite Dark-types. It looks badass, hits like a badass, and has a movepool... of awesome.

#442: Spiritomb (Dark/Ghost)
108 (male)
According to the PokéDex, Spiritomb are formed from the remnants of 108 malevolent spirits. Why not make it sound all creepy and code-like?
A general all-around Pokémon with decent stat coverage... but the fact that it possesses no weaknesses makes it a nice contender.

#461: Weavile (Dark/Ice)
Banzai (any gender)
I picture Weavile attacks to look like sword strikes from a Japanese anime - the quick, flashy motions (or rather, the black screen with visible slashes). And it's been been somewhat proven that morale's increased in a charge when yelling a battle cry. What better way to improve morale in Japanese?
SPEED. 'Nuff said.

#635: Hydreigon (Dark/Dragon)
Steve (male)
With those two fake-head arm-things, I instantly thought of Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series and this quote from an "unknown" Rare Hunter:
"We are the elite group known as the Rare Hunters. My name is Steve. These are my associates. They are also called Steve."
Dragon-type. Because everybody's gotta have dragons. (Though it's no Dragonite...)

And now... what I'd think my gym would be like!

World Warrior Gym League Profile

Gym Name:
Blackheart Gym - "A Congregation of Shadows"

Leader Name:
Josh Blanco - "The White Knight of Darkness"

Gym Theme - Main Lobby:
*jazzy motifs of video game music*

Actual Gym Theme:
Jason Hayes - "The Undercity (City Theme)"
World of Warcraft Soundtrack

Gym Badge:
Void Badge

Badge Description:
Picture a blue-hued solar eclipse. Simple design, yet effective if made right.

Number of Subordinates:
Four subordinate Gym Trainers, with up to three Dark-type Pokémon.

Gym Layout Notes:
As the Trainer enters, there will be a small entry plaza in which cool refreshments will be given to those who ask. Tables and chairs are placed so that challengers and spectators alike can relax before and after the battle, seating 20 maximum. On the left side is a door that leads to a room in which a large window allows spectators to view the fights (however many there will be) in style and comfort. Plush seats and air conditioning will maintain a happy atmosphere barring the sting of defeat. A door on the right of the front courtyard leads to an area without the confines of walls. No walls and no windows offer the ultimate experience in watching Blackheart Gym battles.

(Author's Note: Sorry, Matt - I had to use this. I agree wholeheartedly - spectators should have a blast... though I'm not sure if they'll be able to see anything... lol)

Trainers wishing to challenge the gym go directly to the back and take a double-door elevator that takes them below ground. At this point the fanfare portion of "The Undercity" will play (0:00-0:28), fading out once the elevator comes to a stop. As the elevator's rear doors open, all the Trainer can see is a dimly-lit room with a faint cool blue hue. As the Trainer walks around and attempts to navigate through the room, they'll eventually bump into a Gym Trainer, armed with up to three Dark-type Pokémon.

Should the Trainer prove to be victorious, a faint trail of blue lights will suddenly appear at their feet, pointing their way to a door which leads to another dimly-lit room with a faint cool blue hue and repeat the process. The Trainer will go through a total of four rooms before finding an elevator at the end of the fourth room, which leads to the Grand Chamber.

As the Trainer enters each room, an announcement is made through the PA system by the Gym Leader (me), with somewhat-cryptic messages for the trainer.

Room #1: "Those wishing to attain victory from the Blackheart Gym must first overcome the darkness within."

Room #2: "Throughout history darkness has been a constant. Much like gravity, it is a law that exists - even though we cannot see it."

Room #3: "Darkness exists all around us. It's not just a mere Pokémon type - it's an element of everyday life that most people attempt to hide from.

Room #4: "Accept the existence of darkness. Accept your darkness. This is a fate that you can never defy..."

Final Room Layout:
The elevator's second door will open, revealing to the Trainer a dimly-lit room - what appears to be a massive arena. They will walk around and eventually realize that nobody is present. As they head back to the elevator by which they came in, the door will be sealed shut and two spotlights will flash on without warning. The first will be aimed at the Trainer, while the second shines on a raised platform across from the entrance, where the Gym Leader (me) will be standing...

Gym Leader Introductory Theme:
Koutarou Nakagawa - "The Master"
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 Original Soundtrack Volume 1

Gym Leader Introduction:
"Citizen of the world, welcome to the Blackheart Gym arena! It's been a while since I've seen a fresh face in this part - many people have come before you and succumbed to the shadows. So far it appears to be that the darkness failed to consume you, Trainer - but don't you dare think this trial is over yet. I am Josh Blanco, the White Knight, and as you've probably guessed I am the one in charge of Blackheart Gym. I know - ironic for me, a self-purported warrior of light to run something so dark - but you'll soon learn that even masters of justice have a hidden darkness within their souls. Only those with a pure heart can learn how to purify themselves from it, but only the strongest of them can manipulate this endless void to their will. The question is, Trainer: do you know how to control the darkness inside yourself?"

Battle Theme:
Shouji Meguro - "I'll Face Myself (Battle)"
Persona 4 Original Soundtrack

First Pokémon KO'ed:
"Well... certainly wasn't expecting that."

Third Pokémon KO'ed:
"This is certainly getting interesting."

One Pokémon Left:
"End it."

Gym Leader Defeated:
"...well, I think you answered my question quite well. Nicely done."

Trainer Defeated:
"Well, that answers my question. Come back when you're done lying about yourself."

Trainer Victory Theme:
Keiki Kobayashi - "New Emblem"
Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War Original Soundtrack

Post-Trainer Victory Speech:
"You... you are no ordinary Trainer. I can sense that about you. They say that darkness always gives way to the light, and you, (sir/ma'am)... you're a vassal of light. I therefore congratulate you and offer you this Void Badge. It shows that you and your Pokémon have overcome whatever darkness that has been plaguing your hearts. Now go, and conquer the void wherever it may challenge you!"

Well, that's it for today. I'll catch y'all tomorrow!

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