Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Fall of Rexaria: Recruiting Freedom

(Author's Note: Yeah, more writing practice! And to those wondering about chronological order: this is some time after "The Fall of Rexaria: Finding Kurz (Part 1)" - but how much time exactly? I'm not telling you. Ah, well. Enjoy my practice writing and what not. =D)


"What? ME!? You... you want ME in charge!?"

Allisenna Gloucester-Bellitz Novelli, Second Princess of Serecles, looked upon the other five people scattered in the dusty room. Everyone was staring at her with a flat look on their faces.

A woman in white and red military fatigues took a step forward. She took a breath and looked directly at the princess. "That's what we said, Your Highness."

"You're kidding, right?"

Another woman spoke up - a brunette with shoulder-length hair, sitting in a rather dusty recliner. "No, Allie. We're not. The soldiers outside all took a vote, and Rainey and I here - " She gestured at the military woman with her right hand. " - agreed with their choice."

"We voted for you, Your Highness!" Two other soldiers - a young-looking man with a goatee and a slightly-younger man - raised their right hands in support of their decision, smiles plastered on their faces. "We're with you all the way!"

Allie's face blanched somewhat. "I... no. N-no. I... don't believe this." She turned away from the group and put her face in her hands as she let off a shaky breath.

Rainey looked over at the two enthusiastic soldiers. "Peyton, Webster: give us a minute and stand guard outside the door, okay?"

The two men dropped their smiles and arms. As the younger soldier lowered his arm, he began to protest. "But we did, Your Highness! We vo-"

"Outside, Webster. Now."

"Fine, Sergeant." Webster sighed and stood there for a brief moment before turning towards the soldier with the goatee. "Come on, Peyton. Let's go." The two soldiers grabbed their rifles and walked out the door.

No one spoke for a moment. Faint, sporadic gunfire and explosions could be heard outside. A few more seconds of silence passed before someone spoke - the brunette. "Allie... the vote was unanimous. The soldiers outside voted. So did the few civilians we rescued. The rest of us in this room - myself included - voted. The only one who seems to be voting against you is... well, you."

"But I don't know the first thing about leading an infantry company!" The distraught princess spun around and began protesting to the others. "I... I don't know the first thing about being a soldier! Hell, I haven't even gone through any kind of training? Why would you want some greenie like me to bark out orders to experienced veterans like you?"

The last person in the room - a journalist with a camera wearing a green duster - suddenly spoke up. "With all due respect, Your Highness..." he began as he walked to the door. "...you don't really have a choice in the matter, regardless of the vote." He turned the locks and faced the princess. "You're familiar with the Serecles Constitution, right?"

Allie blinked for a second at the camera-wielding man before scratching the back of her head in embarrassment. "Uhm... I can't say that I am. I never was one to enjoy high school government classes." She turned towards the brunette. "Right, Tricia?"

The brunette got up off her seat and chuckled at the princess. "I should know; you copied all my homework assignments for months." Turning towards the journalist, she asked, "And who are you supposed to be?"

Rainey was the first to speak up. "Sub-Lieutenant, This is Mass Communications Specialist Third Class Jeff Alexander. Remember that... 'friend' I called to help cover our escape from Third District? The reservist?"

"Yes..." Tricia looked at Jeff with an arched eyebrow. "...that was you?" She received a curt nod in response. "Well, nice to see the sharpshooter who helped save us. Not a bad shot for a newshound."

The journalist smirked. "Thanks, Sub-Lieutenant. I guess those monthly SRRF drills in the firing range paid off." He turned towards the princess and lowered his head towards. "Apologies for not introducing myself properly, Your Highness." He raised his head and resumed his spiel. "Anyway, there's a particular part you should know about: Article Twenty and the Demilitarization Act of 1907."

The princess simply cocked her head in confusion. "The... what now?"

"Article Twenty: 'Military Reduction and Command Restructure,'" Tricia interjected. She glanced at Jeff before looking at Allie. After taking a deep breath, she explained: "When Sereclellan Congress reduced the military strength of our military, we reorganized how many soldiers we had and how many commanders could give orders and what not. To make up for the lack of command staff, Congress issued a law that makes all members of the Royal Family commanders-in-chief in times of national emergency."

"And seeing as how I'm a Novelli..." Allie nervously gulped.

"Exactly," Jeff said. "Even if they had fair intentions with this vote of theirs, it would only be a show vote. You'd still be running things here whether they wanted you to or not."

Allie shook her head and began pacing around the room. "But what if I ordered someone else to take command for me? Tricia, you're a trained soldier; why don't you take command of the company?"

The brunette held her hands up as if to deny the offer. "Can't do that, Allie."

"Why not?"

"Two reasons." Tricia held out her hand, which had the internationally-recognized symbol for "one" on it. "First: the law's absolute. The only ways you'd be able to give up your command is if you abdicated your birthright..." The brunette took a breath before continuing: "...or if you were incapacitated or killed. There's no other way for you to forfeit your command."

The princess stopped walking around and stared at Tricia in shock, her lip quivering. "A-And second?"

"Secondly..." the brunette continued, her hand now showing "two." "...secondly, I'm your Knight. Even if you were able to transfer your leadership status to me, it would be constitutionally incorrect for me to give you orders. All SRDF personnel are automatically outranked by the Royal Family - Knights included. Besides, if I'm commanding a bunch of soldiers, how am I supposed to guard you?"

Allie slowly took all of this in. She nodded and weakly responded, "...you have a point, Tricia." Losing her balance, she fell backward onto a dusty couch and put her head in her hands, breathing heavily.

"There's a third reason," Jeff interjected. "You have to realize that as a leader of this country, its citizens look up to you for leadership, Your Highness. In a time like this, they'll also look up to you with hope in their hearts. What do you think would happen if they suddenly see you faltering and not willing to stand up for yourself... for your country... for your people? What would happen if a leader failed to lead?"

The princess kept her head buried as she left out a sniffle. Jeff walked to the door and unlocked it. As he did, the sound of an artillery shell flying overhead echoed throughout the room.

"I don't know the answer do that, but I do know one thing," the journalist continued as he looked up and opened the door. As if on cue, the sound of another artillery shell flying overhead was heard. "We'd better get some orders soon before we get killed... Your Highness." The last words sounded as if he spat them out with distaste.

All Allie heard afterwards were the sounds of rushing footsteps - what she assumed were Jeff's. Almost instantaneously the sound of another set of footprints sounded off with Rainey yelling, "Jeff, get back here!" followed by a slamming door.

A moment of silence followed as Tricia walked over and took a seat next to the distraught princess. "Hey, Allie... Allie, you alright?"

A sniffle was the only reply the brunette received.

"Allie, come on. Talk to me."

The princess let off another sniffle before removing her head from her hands. Looking at her Knight, she softly asked, "Am I... am I cut out for this?"

Tricia pulled her crying friend into a comforting hug. Shrugging, she replied, "To be honest: I don't know. I believe in you, but like you said: you don't know the first thing about being a soldier. As much as I'd love to talk with you about this, we don't have the luxury of time. There's only one way to find out if you're 'cut out for this,' Allie."

Another "on-cue" artillery shell flew overhead followed by the sound of a not-so-distant explosion. With that, the brunette released the princess from her hug but kept a firm grip on her shoulders. With a serious look on her face, Tricia took a deep breath and asked: "What are your orders, Your Highness?"


Until the 'morrow, everyone!

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