Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Pensieve of Forgotten Topics

Day four of... God, I don't even remember how many days in a row I'll be working before I get a day off. I've been going in and out of work for so long now, I've lost all sense of time and day. Four days ago (Tuesday) I was under the impression it was Friday. Two days ago (Thursday) I thought it was Tuesday. Last night I believed it was 2230 when it was merely 2045.

Honestly, I need a break. Mind you, I'm not talking about a mere two days off - I'm talking about a week-long hiatus from life, the universe and everything.

And I'm not talking about a "Hey, Josh, did you disappear again or something?" moment - I'm talking about a much-needed vacation. Such a vacation will allow me more time to work on my personal projects, catch up with friends I haven't seen in a while and give me more time to clear my head so I can actually post 1,000+ entries this month without making it look like I'm just pulling words out of my ass.

Now, if I were to have things go my way, I'd go buy some isolated house in an undisclosed location and just live in it in semi-isolation for an extended period of time - kind of like Henry David Thoreau's Walden. Life doesn't work like that, though - you don't just get to do what you want. Most things nowadays have to be obtained through work.

But enough on that. You didn't come to hear me gripe about random things. You probably came in to look at this entry because you thought I was throwing in some subtle Harry Potter reference somewhere in this entry and the fanboy/fangirl in you wanted to see if I did.

Technically, I didn't. However, as I did delve into my past entries (and thus, my past), looking through the archives could be said as me looking through a metaphorical Pensieve.

For someone like me with a potential case of ADHD, it's not at all surprising for me to jump between topics faster than a speeding bullet. Sadly, whenever I encounter a fun subject I want to go with for hours (or days) on end, I eventually lose track of it because something else "cooler" came to mind.

Now, in an effort to reclaim some of these ideas and topics (and not so I could get to 1,000 words on today's entry *cough*), I figured I'd look back at all my entries here and create a list of those topics I "reminded you" to make me talk about on a later date. I ran searches on everything I posted, looking for topics that I briefly glanced at and talked to you about that deserved more. These topics could be serious and insightful... or they could be terribly silly. If anything, they'll at least provide me with potential entry topics that can spark those thousand words I so need this month.

I ended up making the list on this entry and provided a brief summary on why I wanted to talk about each topic. Yeah, I'm aware this still makes it look like I'm just making up words as I go, but sometimes an ad-hoc entry is better than no entry.

So, using various search words, I ended up compiling this list of topics I said I'd talk about on a later date. Said list is sub-divided by the search words I used to find each topic. Some of these are pretty silly, but a good portion of them do have the potential to make for an interesting topic to discuss.

"remind me"

"talk about"
  • Lego vignette - SRDF airborne soldiers & the unnamed military plane (from August 22nd's "Not Like a G6")
    I've since modified both the paratroopers and the plane in question. This topic will come with pictures. =D



Hrm. Now, what could I possibly discuss amongst these topics? God knows what I could talk about, but... one of these topics will thunder its way through this blog before the month is out. If you think any of these topics could be something you'd like to see (for its insight, its message and/or its LOL factor), please let me know.

And speaking of "thunder," why the hell did it just thunder out here in southern California? *sigh*

Well, I'll see y'all some time later! Work and lunch await!

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