Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Stolen Hearts

So I decided to be lazy and not do any...thing... uh, who the frak are y- *thud*

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Listed Exposition

I'm running a little short on time today, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to be brief on here. (See? It's that whole "lack of time management skills" thing I was talking about yesterday!)
  • Yesterday turned out to be much better than expected.
  • I have a lovely bunch of coconuts.
  • Valkyria Chronicles just got sad. (If you've played the game, you know where I am.)
  • I cook a mean brunch. Seriously. Ask me what I had. It was breakfast. During lunch.
  • The cleanup for said brunch isn't as short as I'd hoped it'd be.
And that's why I'm running low on time. Between things I need to do and work, I've got a full plate to finish today.

Mayhaps you'll get something tomorrow. We'll just have to see. Until then!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Downtime Planning

I can't honestly recall the last time I had a Sunday off that I didn't ask for. (I lied. I recall the last time I had a Sunday off that I didn't ask for. It was over two months ago. *facepalm*) It's rather rare for someone like me to get a weekend day off, and it's made all the more better because I have awesome plans with awesome people (and maybe some ketchup).

However, all that's going down later on today. For now, though, this means that I have some time to kill until then. And what better way to do that than by typing out a much-deserved big entry on here? (Well, I was originally going to play Valkyria Chronicles and maybe some World of Warcraft, but I think my blog deserved some love.) I'm sure y'all are excited over this.

Lieutenant Welkin Gunther knows how to command his squad. I should learn how to command you readers, too. =P
But enough dilly-dally from me - it's time to charge into today's text storm. Squad 7 Readers: move out!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

To the Ends of July

Well, today's going to be fun. Somehow, I can tell. That, and it's going to be interesting tonight. Between work and... well, work, I know that it'll be at the very least entertaining.

Yes, I'm aware that this has also been a short week. I can't help it - I've got other things to do and what not. Maybe August will be better?

Friday, July 27, 2012

The Story of Josh

You ever have one of those days where you wake up and you just don't feel like doing jack shit for the entire time you're awake? Where you regret waking up, lie in bed for what feels like an eternity, and sluggishly get yourself "motivated" to do things?

Today's one of those days for me today. It sucks, because it's also a day off for me as well. (Wait, what? Two days off in a row that I didn't ask for?) I'm doing my best to get myself up and running, but it's been a doozy to do so.

So what to do, what to do? Well, for starters, lying here will get me nowhere (literally), so I guess I'll go out and do something. Something involving hanging out with friends, maybe some Valkyria Chronicles, some other things, and me not posting anything. Like always.

But sometimes, a message from the past might be enough. What follows is one such message about a certain boy's past.

Thursday, July 26, 2012


All I know is this: August is coming. It shall be awesome.

In case you couldn't already tell, today's a short entry day on account that I'm practically booked all day. I don't mind that at all - it means I'm sure to have a fun and enjoyable time. Fortunately for me it's not going to be spent at the DMV or any place stupid like that, so I'm thankful for it.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have some lunch to prepare. Good food doesn't make itself - especially if it's food that'll help make the day even more awesome than it already is. (If anything, it'll assist with removing the cloud cover currently present and kill the time that exists between now and my plans.)

So, until the 'morrow.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Today's laundry day, and I've lots of things to do. You'll just have to realize that not all these days can have awesome things on here. I'm used to that, and so should you.

I think I got something lined up later on this week. We'll just have to see.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Twist Purchase

It's been a while since I've dedicated some time to playing some video games. It's been a luxurious time thus far, and it's helping me stay sane and happy. Well, a lot of things help me stay sane and happy, but video games... they're a class of their own. The sheer amount of enjoyment I get from turning on a game console, popping in a disc or cartridge and letting it load, and then experiencing the fun, the intensity, and the challenge it offers me... there's not much else in the world than can offer that kind of entertainment.

Gods... the watercolor style used in Valkyria Chronicles just amazes me. It makes an already-beautiful game even more beautiful.
Last week I got my hands on a Sony PlayStation 3, but it's only now that I've had some time to get it installed and ready to play stuff.

Now, I know some of you out there who know me well enough are asking if this was such a wise decision - at least from a financial standpoint. I'm going to cut to the chase and say: "Yes. It was a wise decision." I had been looking to buy a PlayStation 3 for a while now, and with my current scenario, I had some leftover funds that I figured would be good to spend on myself. (I think I deserve it.)

If you're still doubting my words, then I think the rest of this entry ought to ease your worries somewhat - because they will show that this was money well spent. (The experience, on the other hand...?)

Monday, July 23, 2012

Guns of Laziness

I feel lazy today. And as such, there's nothing for you to see here today. Expect something awesome tomorrow. *loads up Guns of the Patriots*

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Working Late

Obviously today's not one of those days where I put something exciting on here. That's, like, the norm nowadays for me. But whatever. We're used to that.

Anyway, I just got off of work and got inspired to do something interesting that'll pop up later on this week. You'll just have to stay tuned to find out what it is.

But until then, I think a session of relaxation is in order. A beer or two to slowly sip down, a funny movie set in the background, and some nonsensical rambling via writing sounds really fun to do tonight. Until the 'morrow.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Prelude to Awesome

Today's feeling like a lazy day. I know - I'm horrible. You'll get some cool stuff next week to make up for it. So, until then, I must go off to get lunch and do some work at work.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Taken By a Day Off

I'm leaving you with a short entry today because... well, because I have a long and fun day ahead of me. Between awesome plans with awesome people and the fact that it's happening on a Friday, it's no surprise that I'm just excited enough for me to not post anything substantial on here today.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

23 Wishes

Today's the day! The sun is shining, and you're going to read all the ridiculous magical awesome things I want for my birthday!

See this face? That's on a wall. This wall will not let you pass unless you get me things. Lots of things. Fun things with sweets and joy... and joyness.
And then you'll get me all of them, right? Riiiiiiiiiight?

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Get Out

So as I've been wondering what to get for myself for my birthday next month: a thought occurred to me.

I need to get out more.

So, excuse me while I get out more. Expect the wish list mañana.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

One More Month

I'd like to take this time to state that starting today marks a full month before my birthday. Yeah, it's that time of year again - the time where I get to look forward to a special day where I get to say "Yay; one year closer to death!" and eat cake afterwards.

It's a fun day, and for some reason this is one of the few birthdays (so far) that I'm looking forward to. As such, that means it's time for me to create my ever-hated loved birthday wish list. Unfortunately, I haven't thought of anything for it yet, so you'll have to see it on another day.

Until then, I must be off - errands to run and what not. I'll see y'all tomorrow.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Errands to Run

So I was thinking that I'd take a light day for posting today. I got stuff to do, so I'll need time to take care of these tasks before I head off to work.

In other news, though, I've a feeling that this week will be quite eventful. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go work on stuff. Ciao, everyone.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Simply Complicated Planning

Today is a good day and a good time to plan.

I'm going to go ahead and warn you right now that this entry's gonna be a tad... wordy. With not a lot of pictures, either. As such, you skimming chuckleheads can go frak yourself appreciate my honesty and leave (y'all are jerks), while those of you who have nothing better to do can read on.

This was a good dinner last night. Burgers, fries, and beer. Fun combo.
So, if you're still here: thank you. Also, grab something to grub on while you read. You'll need it.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Adventures Nowhere and Everywhere

Afternoon, everyone. Today's proving to be quite an interesting day so far. Today's July 14, and as the second half of the year continues to make its opening, I think it's time we start by getting in touch with the rest of this entry.

When in doubt, pinky out.
Of course, we can do that in a second. And that second begins now after I'm done sipping my Kyoto Sunset tea.

Friday, July 13, 2012


Someone remind me to talk about yesterday tomorrow. Right now, I've got plans to execute and things to do, along with people to see.

But in all seriousness, though: yesterday was fun. Getting throttled to second on Mirror Mode in Mario Kart 7... not fun.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

A Precautionary Entry

I'm uncertain how today will end up. Something tells me that it's going to be great, but at the same time I won't be able to broadcast that until the 'morrow.

So, as a precaution, I'm posting right now in the event that I can't post for the rest of the day. Since I'll be in Los Angeles for gods-know-how-long and since there's no Blogger app for Blackberry phones (probably the one bad thing I can think of for Blackberries.

Ah, well. Perhaps if I've the time and I'm lucky, I can replace this entry with something of quality? Only time will tell.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Descent Into the Maddening Life That Smiles

Sometimes, I think we need a little bit of psychosis in our lives. Now, depending on the type of person you are, the definition of psychosis can differ. Some people just act a little loopy and out-of-character for a few minutes' time. Others go a tad off the deep end and verbally snap at someone. And then you have the dangerous sociopaths with long histories of violence... the ones that stab people 37 times in the chest.

"Open up your hate and let it flow into me!"
I think it's time to unleash a little bit of psychosis today. Mind you, it'll be some good-natured, positive stuff. And according to my competitive side: taunts of taunting. And despite all the disturbed auras I've projected upon others and the equally-tormented auras I have felt projected upon me, I still have to say that today will be a great day and that this entry will be a fun one. I just felt like making today's entry feel like a page out of a grimoire I found at the insane asylum. (Also, I wanted an excuse for slapping that awesome pic of The Guy on here.)

So if you still dare to take a plunge and descend into some other kind of sanity, then grab my hand and let's jump in. *holds out hand* Shall we, fair reader?

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Magic Time

Today is going to be filled with magical wonder. I can tell.

Usually, such an excellent day follows a sleepless night where I spent more time staring at my watch than I did on closed eyelids.

I'm so ready for this day to start... and at the same time, I know I don't want it to ever be over.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Montage of Mystery

So I haven't really been motivated to get out of bed today.

I had to tell myself to get up. It took a while because I was comfy texting lying there listening to music content with how the morning was going.
It's been somewhat rough these past few days. It's been apparent on the blog here - short entries, a lack of concentration, thoughts drifting elsewhere when I should be working on things...

...oh, wait. That's what I've been exhibiting in real life? Uh... riiiight. *sheepishly clears throat* Ignore all this, then. I'm just spouting nonsense that can't be explained and won't be explained for now. (Or can it and will it...?)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

A Calling (on Some Days)

There are some days when I wonder why I post on here, knowing that nopony reads this.

And then there are some days where I realize something. I realize that I am a knight, and that I am here to serve my charge.

Let today be that day as I ride off to work!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Life Calls

So I've come up with a mini-project for me to work on. It's more of a private project for the time being, so you won't be able to hear about it today.

Ah, well. I got work... and maybe some other things... to take care of today. Mayhaps you'll hear about something eventually. In the meantime, life calls.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Imprisoned Revelation

What happens when you get a day off and there's no one in range to hang out with? Well, you get a bored person (yourself) and absolutely nothing to do. It feels like a prison of sorts that you were thrown into against your will. As far as you recall, you've done nothing to deserve this fate. You spend a good while wondering how you got yourself into this predicament in the first place, lamenting and whining all the way.

And sometimes, you demonstrate your boredom in a physical way.
After coming to grips with things, you start taking action in some way. Now, one of three things can result because of this.

1.) You kill yourself out of sheer boredom.
Now, I don't mean like how George Sanders killed himself in 1972. I mean it in a metaphorical sense. You spend countless hours sitting there wishing for something - anything - to do. You'd even welcome death if it offered some kind of reprieve from not being able to do anything! (Not that you'd want to - in which case, you should probably seek out a hotline...) So you lie there in a cesspool of woe and complaints, wondering if you can break out of it within the next "X" minutes... every single second.
2.) You attempt to break out of your cell using your network of contacts.
This is where you call the friends you haven't run into in a while but still talk with. This is where you call people you like to hang out with, only to find that a majority of them either have their jobs to work at or already-made plans to enact. Someone's gotta be out there to save you... but do they? (In my experience, this route has offered a 15% chance of success - and that percentage lessens if the weather's not great or if it's the weekend.)
3.) You sit there and wait for an opportunity to present itself.
And when one does, you leap on it, not caring about how bad of a plan this Hobson's choice is. You pick up that dusty game in your closet that you said you'd play... six months ago. You take the time to thoroughly scan your pantry and closet, making an accurate shopping list. This is where you tell yourself at the mall, "Frak it; I'm visiting [insert store you haven't visited before]. Why not?"
While most people will end up choosing the second option and then fall back to the third one should nobody make contact, artists will invariably end up choosing #3 over #2 - only because they realize that a free day where they're bored doesn't come up all that often. (That, or they wanted some kind of "source" of inspiration and tried #2 anyway.)

But some artists come up with a third option of their own. They somehow milk the boredom and create something out of it.
Maybe that's why you're here. While on standby for #2 or #3, you saw that I posted today and figured, "Why the hell not? It's not like I've anything better to do."

And since I'm (sort of) on standby myself, I wrote this because "I've nothing better to do." I decided to see if I could write a grand entry like I said I would yesterday. In order to do that, I guess I needed a day of boredom to myself. Alone. Just me and nothing... and nopony... together... alone. So I can write. Alone. And in this state of being alone with boredom (...together), I composed this. *points below*

I honestly don't know whether to call it a creation fused out of boredom, or some twisted fabrication of half-truths and deception I'd expect a Leobin to spout off to me. Either way, it's something, and while it might throw most of you off... the attentive readers out there might be able to extract something out of this.

But what exactly, you ask? Well, let's get the show rockin' - if you're good enough, you just might find something you're not looking for that makes your unsure decision to read this entry worth it...

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

04 July

July has been rather... well, it's been rather excellent so far. Life's been like that lately, and I'm liking it.

Yeah, I'm aware that this month has been rather slow on here, but you can't rush good things - they take time. I've learned that many times over, and I know that the adage still holds true to this day. Maybe it's a life lesson for all of us to learn.

Seeing as how I've got lunch plans with some friends and work tonight, it only seems fair to warn you that apart from these sentences, this is pretty much it.

Monday, July 2, 2012

A Reflection Cut Short

Today, we take a look at the start of the seventh month of the year - and with it, the start of the second half of 2012.

Now, normally, such a thing is reserved for the two days I cross The Bridge of Fate (June 30 and July 1), but as a result of 2012's bridge being either:
...it's caused today's entry to be that focus. However, I'm going to have to admit that posting today really wiped me out for some odd reason. No, it has nothing to do with me exhausting any physical or mental resources. It's because I woke up with no resources whatsoever to begin with. Confusing, I know - especially since I've already listed the (unknown?) cause.

Anywho, let's get on it.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Bridge of Fate: A Slow Start

What a way to start the second half of the year... with absolutely nothing to talk about. Woo.

Okay, yeah... I really don't have anything to talk about. I did, but taking one look at the sky earlier this morning just demotivated me in the worst possible way. It was cloudy, and to those of us who are sensitive to the immediate outside weather, we know that it'll muck up the skies - both physically and metaphorically.

However, I can say this with great certainty: the rest of the year's looking good.