Saturday, September 28, 2013

Friday, September 27, 2013

Written Off

When it comes to writing, it's been ages since I've written anything down.

I don't mean the work I have going for my tabletop RPG campaign. I mean actual writing. Me grabbing a pen(cil) and writing words on a piece of paper. Continuously - to the point where these words become fragments (much like this paragraph), which in turn become sentences. These sentences start spelling out ideas that I have (well, had), and they in turn help breath life into some other idea that inspired me to write said words in the first place. Wordception, perhaps - but it all makes sense to me.

It's all for inspiration. And I think it might help.

So the question is: why the frak have I not tried this sooner!?

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Four Digits

I don't know about you, but this particular day holds a slight amount of significance for me.

Wait for it... wait for it...
The cloudy sky this morning slowly gave way to the shining sun. (Slowly.) Despite the sunny optimism, it wasn't that bright out. I had a scheduled shift at work today during a busy lunch rush. It left me tired and broke (it's not yet pay day) and unwilling to do anything. I was running out of ideas for projects to construct in Minecraft. (And now I don't know what to do with all the spare rails I've made.) All that just makes me feel spent.

From that last paragraph, I've made it sound as if Thursday, September 26, 2013 is just another one of those blah days, and it certainly is beginning to look as such, isn't it?

That's where you'd be wrong. Today's a great day, and I'm going to prove it to you with a surprise revelation that only revealed itself to me a week prior to today. "And this surprise is," you ask?

This is the 1,000th entry on this blog.


So, how to celebrate? As can be seen here, it's not really that big of a deal to me (even though it kinda is). While I'm proud to have gone this far in my personal blog, this is just that - a personal blog. Now, if I had been doing this on some other kind of blog (say, for instance, a food blog), then that would be considered a higher accomplishment.

Regardless, I'm happy to have made it. While I have this up here as a sort-of motivator to do something with myself, the real reason I have this up is so I can look back and see what my life was like, and because some of my friends read this. I don't usually say it, but I appreciate whenever I get a view. Every time I do, it makes me feel a little giddy, knowing that someone took the time (willingly or otherwise) to look into my life. Thanks, readers. *smiles*

As a treat to myself, I'm going to take the rest of the day off. I'll get myself resumed and on schedule tomorrow. (Hopefully.) Happy 1,000! Let's see if I can get to 2,000!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Time to Improvise

I really need to work on my DMing skills... but at the same time, everyone seems to be having fun with the whole "improv tabletop RPG" thing that's going down. I'm happy with myself.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Monday, September 23, 2013

Last-Second Drainage

I'm tired. I'm feeling bloated from lunch. And most of all... I'm feeling drained.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Recuperation

I worked much longer than I intended to today. It took out my drive to type things up. I'm going to go recuperate with games and rolling back on schedule... potentially tomorrow.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

By Virtual Design

Sometime in my teen years I began to notice that I possessed a rather peculiar talent. A group project would show up in one of my high school classes, and the teacher would state that a presentation was to be given. As the class started to look around the room in search of potential project mates, some people began eyeing me for a few particular reasons.
  1. I actually did the necessary research and work.
  2. I could write a killer paper and/or speech if necessary.
  3. If we used digital visuals (e.g.: PowerPoint), I knew how to make our work stand out from everyone else's.
  4. Our work (combined with the results from reason 3) netted us nothing but "A's."
In short: I made things look good. (I just wish I could say the same about myself. =P)

Yeah, I know - such a talent isn't of any particular use in the real world. Sure, you have some people go into some kind of job with the generic title of "{blank} Designer." In the end, most of them are (unfairly) ridiculed for not possessing an "actual" job like "other people." What makes these people stand out is the fact that the people with this kind of talent are usually proud of it - with some of them going to great lengths to show their skill (or "skill" - some do suck) to the world.

In my case, I use it in video games. In games with some kind of character creation (be it an MMO or a fighting game), you can count on me to make a character who fits my aesthetic designs. These have ranged from the exceptionally beautiful to the plain everyman to the horribly disfigured. (In one particular case, I took someone beautiful and had her scarred. It happened in her storyline, so it would make sense for me to do that.) In games where I'm given free reign to construct objects (such as Minecraft), I've set up various buildings - from the practically-designed to the kinds that demand that you look at them.

Just what lies beyond the door of this rather large building?
So what happens when I apply this skill in a social simulation game like Animal Crossing: New Leaf? Well, allow me to show you... if you're willing to keep reading on. Prepare to be amazed (at how dorky I can be)!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Upcoming Remodel

Eventually I plan on remodeling this blog. But today, I'm gonna focus on remodeling my house in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. You'll get to see the awesomeness tomorrow!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Processing the Laptops

I'm currently in the final processes of transferring any important files from Old Faithful to the silver. This is a massive transfer - Windows 8 is clocking an ETA of 40+ minutes before completion. To those of you wondering how modern technology can be that solow: yes, I'm transferring that much data.

Two laptops can really occupy a lot of desk space.
Surprisingly, the silver has proven itself to be quite a formidable laptop. It's getting close to the point where it just may permanently take over work as the lead laptop... leaving Old Faithful to become an auxiliary. As sad as I am to say that, it's almost time for me to retire the behemoth desktop replacement. As I mentioned before, the black laptop has been in service since the middle of 2009 - far past the average lifespan of your average laptop. (I think it's due to my care and treatment - it was essentially my baby.)

And believe it or not, I've also begon to get used to the messy OS that is Windows 8. *le gasp* I've learned a few tips and tricks to help make things useful and sacrificed some precious time learning how to adapt certain things to others. For example. that change to how default programs work in 8? A real pain in the ass... but at least I got VLC and KMPlayer as my prioritized video players rather than that "app."

There's just a few more files and "tests" I have to run, but that'll be in due time. I'm still wondering if the silver can run games like World of Warcraft and StarCraft II. This thing surprisingly played Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 despite SystemRequirementsLab saying otherwise (granted, all the graphics are at a bare minimum...), so who knows what could happen?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

An Honest Attempt

I find it highly amusing how easily it is for me to get distracted. It's beneficial at times, and at other times it's detrimental. But that's always okay - it's part of what happens. Yeah, I know - there's supposed to be something here. But that's just how I've been lately - distracted by life, the universe, and everything. *sighs*

Of course, I did say I'd type something. I'm gonna see if I can even focus and type something... anything. Here goes, here goes...

*limbers up*

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Impending... What?

I decided that tomorrow I'm going to blog well. This time, there's going to be nothing stopping me.

I hope.

Monday, September 16, 2013


It's officially been four days since I received the silver. That's 96 hours for the people wanting to do the math - and of those hours, about a good third of it was spent on fiddling around with this new toy. Of that third (read: approximately 32 hours), about two were spent typing things out (read: Friday's entry) while the remaining 30 were used to replicate vital files and data from Old Faithful to the silver. It sounds boring, but at least I was able to entertain myself on Imgur and a new gaming acquisition of mine: Rogue Legacy. (I'm gonna have to dedicate an entry to this fun game sometime this week.)]

Now that the migration process has been (mostly) completed, it's time to actually test this thing properly. Now I can see if my computer mannerisms and my data can survive in this "fish out of water" experience that is Windows 8.

Fun fact: this is the first entry I've posted on the silver. The keyboard seems rather interesting - the keys seems less weighted like a keyboard, and it's a tad scrunched together. I'm not used to it (I actually made a few typos I normally avoid - and that's not counting the dyslexic mistakes), but I'll just blame the obvious fact that my fingers were disciplined on Old Faithful's keys for the past few years. For example, every time I reach for the "delete" key, I end up hitting "insert" instead. While the latter's use in most modern computers has diminished over the years, it's still annoying to see something I want gone to not be gone when I wish it to.

I think I need to get my hands attuned to the silver's key arrangement. And the best part about forcing myself to do something like this? I get to type things out - maybe things such as "good" blog entries! Only time will tell if this laptop does me wonders.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Rogue Path

Remember how I said I'd have something up today if I wasn't distracted?

...this counts, right?
Well... I got distracted. *blushes*

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Tedious Entertainment

I've been working on making the silver much more user-compatible. By that, I mean I've been altering the user settings and appearances so that it mimics what I have on Old Faithful. It's kind of fun, and at the same time, it's been tedious. Quite tedious.

As such, a good entry will show up tomorrow. Provided I'm not somehow distracted.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Curse of the Eight

It seems fitting how recent circumstances in my life have culminated in me making this entry. As evidenced by the previous... well, lacking quality entries, it's surprising to see me finally post something. And of all days for me to type, it had to be this one - a Friday the 13th.

Now, I know I'm an anomaly when it comes to my beliefs. I don't follow any religion, yet under certain circumstances I get spooked by (childish) superstitions. I'm sensible enough to realize that the "bad luck" today supposedly unleashes is only what we make of today's events. Despite this, I can't help but feel that something conspired to punish me today.

I haven't been posting like I said I would. I feel stupid for failing to do so. But if there is/are (a) god(s), there must be some kind of schadenfreude-styled puppeteering going on here. If not, then it's karma biting back for some event that I've forgotten... or a set of poorly-timed events that spiraled into the topic of today's entry.

And this is how the fates saw fit to punish me - with a migraine.
Today's story warrants the use of a TL;DR notification now - before I even explain what the hell is going on. Most average people who read this blog don't even need the TL;DR if they view the above picture - they're now asking one question:

TL;DR: "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?"

The answer is "yes," by the way. Sans the moon. *cringes*

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Monday, September 9, 2013


I really need to sit myself down and type something. I'm getting tired of this.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Saturday Realization

The first thing I need to realize is that I'm totally not doing much right now.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Weathering Lower

And it has cooled down. Mostly. So much in fact that something SHOULD come up tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Cooling Down

It's still warm, but not as much. I'll probably be able to type something tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Heating Out

It's too warm to think properly! I need a cool room to get a cool mind to type something cool!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Commencing Soon

The regularly-scheduled programming commences... on a day that's not today.