Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Across the Studded Border

We spotted something on the border... something we need to investigate muy pronto.

Mind you, we're not talking about the actual U.S./Mexico border... but a fictional one... with fictional soldiers.

Lego time! Yaaaaaay~!

Hideyuki Fukasawa - "Theme of Zangief (SFIV Arrange)"
Street Fighter IV Original Soundtrack

As my current Street Fighter main is Zangief, it would make sense for me to blare this somewhat routinely, right? Nyet? NYET!? Well, don't make me introduce you to the Red Cyclone the hard way! (Luchadores know him as "Tornado Rojo.")

Jazzy with a hint of Russian flair. Plus, that bass is just awesome. I like this version of Zangief's theme. FOR MOTHER RUSSIA!

Yoko Shimomura - "Dearly Beloved"
Kingdom Hearts Original Soundtrack

The title and main menu music for the much-loved PlayStation 2 game Kingdom Hearts. Quite a relaxing track to listen to. While it's an excellent piano piece in itself, I think it becomes more powerful when performed by just a piano.

A lot of gamers might find this shocking, but I never really got into the Kingdom Hearts franchise. I don't know why - I mean, I like Disney stuff and I'm the kind of guy who ventures into virtually every genre of music and video games. There was one point where I did try playing the game, but it never stuck with me for some reason.

Maybe I should pick up a copy and dust off a PS2... give it another shot.

Evening, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for attending this emergency military briefing.

After a bit of figuring out what I could possibly make with my collection of Legos, I reorganized my army (named the Serecles Royal Defense Force), re-armed them, enlisted a roster of new faces, and created a sort-of backstory for them.

However, this isn't them. A Sereclellan spy plane found a manned outpost in the middle of what appeared to be forested ruins just outside the borders of the Royal Republic of Serecles...

...forest ruins. Huh. They don't seem to be manned by solders... or are they?
At first glance, it appeared unmanned and I had my flyboys just brush it off, but they panicked and did some more reconnaissance.

A narrow pass... can anyone see the two soldiers in this photo?
The stone-cobbled narrow pass seemed empty, but then we noticed something. No, not that guy popping out from what appeared to be a painted sandbag position in the top-left...

Someone's waiting to surprise someone. And yes - he's visible in the last photo.
...but a tucked-away soldier behind the blast shields of a camouflaged heavy machine gun! Good call from those flyboys, eh? They sent me another photo:

Two more hidden operatives, armed with what look to be M4A1s.
How'd the camera guys get so close without getting caught?
And from the armament and uniforms, I could identify these guys: Greenscale Security Operations, a private military company that has harassed the SRDF since its creation. Rrr...

A few of the many GSO mercenaries (or "operatives," as they prefer to be called) standing for a picture.
These highly-trained operatives enjoy using modernized weaponry such as M4A1 carbines, Mk.23 pistols and MG 3 machine guns.

Now, normally one would attempt to counter this with a well-thought defense, but why do that? The "guns and armor analogy" can only hold for so long when you have a well-trained enemy. So, I decided to fix the problem with another way: a bigger army to fight. Here's my current army.

Apologies for any blurriness for this and all subsequent photos - camera phones can only do so much...
Presenting a yet-to-be-named platoon of the Serecles Royal Defense Force. They're ready to take on this potential threat the GSO is casting on us and - WAIT.

Two unknown operatives from some other organization are sneaking past GSO security... what are they up to...?
...t-those soldiers on the bottom... w-who are they!? They're not affiliated with either GSO or the SRDF!

I'm sure I'm going to have LOADS of fun playing around. My numerous amounts of soldiers on both sides... all armed with BrickArms? Oh, yeah. Fun will be had.

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