Monday, August 22, 2011

Not Like a G6

A Monday... not one of my favorite days, but still, it's a decent day nonetheless to get things done. Will today finally break the slump of "crap-ass" entries?

You decide. I'll just eat a sandwich while you do. *noms*

Infected Mushroom - "Horus the Chorus"
IM the Supervisor

I was randomly going through music as I was working last night, and after a few rock songs, Infected Mushroom started playing. Great ambient music - usable in many environments ranging from work to nighttime driving through California construction to tweaking Lego models.

I've yet to just sit back, relax somewhere and blare an Infected Mushroom CD from start to finish, but with all the stuff I keep listening to that's by them, I really should. Psychedelic trance - who would've guessed I would go for awesome utilitarian music?

Afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! Today's entry will be... somewhat brief. Mind you, it's not "yet another short-ass entry" like I've been chucking at you for the past week or so. I just think it's a tad smaller than other entries I've done as of late.

A-Anyway, here. Let's just get this over with.

Obviously, as most people have already realized, last Tuesday was my birthday. And a fun birthday it was.

I even had cake and brownies! I haven't had delectable sweets like that in ages.

I'm pretty sure that says "Happy Birthday!" and that my name (or one of my nicknames) is present.)
Translated, I'm sure the message on the brownies was equivalent on the ca-
HEY! Who wrote "Joshua!?" =P
I enjoyed it much, and to celebrate I got some birthday goodies in the form of Lego sets and pieces.

Some say that Lego toys are one of the best ways to foster a person's imagination. I subscribe to that theory wholeheartedly and find that my imagination feels fully sated when I have a proper playthrough of the building block toys.

Recently I began watching Band of Brothers again and while I did that, I was tinkering around with a few new Lego toys I got. I ended up receiving that "Escape from the Dragon's Prison" set (I needed certain pieces from it as well as more fresh faces for my army), some new armaments (thank you, BrickArms!) and one particular model: 3181 - "Passenger Plane."

What 3181 looks like finished. Kinda superficially resembles a Gulfstream jet, doesn't it?
Like I said, though, I was merely tinkering while watching the critically-acclaimed World War II series. As I built the plane in its original design, the men of Easy Company began their combat jumps into Normandy. I looked at my finished plane, thinking that the USAAF's C-47 Skytrain looked better than this.

The Douglas DC-3 - the civilian version of the C-47.
Photo courtesy of Wikipedia.

A "cut-away" view of the Lego "Gulfstream." The objectives I set for myself?
Make it look like a DC-3.
I kept looking at my Lego "Gulfstream" and told myself: "I can convert this to a faux DC-3. I'm sure my army needs to do some combat jumps itself with paratroopers or something like that." So after some more arduous tinkering, I did. The end result?

Presenting... well, I haven't come up with a name for it yet.
The pilot of this particular aircraft wanted armaments - hence the autocannons next to the cockpit.
This. It wasn't hard to make the modifications at all. However, I couldn't locate any pieces to make turboprop engines, so I had to stick with the jets. (I'm thinking this could be a problem - but for now, it'll have to do.)

Airborne soldiers loading up before taking off for their drop.
And don't ask about the old-school window pane piece - I couldn't find a fitting device for a door.
It's a fun creation, and my army's excited to perform combat jumps in the name of their country. Maybe the next time I talk about this, I'll have a little vignette for y'all to enjoy or something.

Well, until the 'morrow, everyone. I hope this keeps y'all sated for now. =D

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