Friday, August 26, 2011

...Become Something

The night is young. Sort of. Here's a blog entry to start your weekend off right!

deadmau5 - "Cthulhu Sleeps"

I only recently got into deadmau5 for two reasons:
  1. My friend recently introduced me to his music (we listened to part of his discography while we were driving around).
  2. deadmau5's music was used in an Epic Meal Time episode a few months back.
Good stuff from what I heard thus far. Needed something new to listen to anyway, so it's a win-win.

Hideyuki Fukasawa - "Snowy Rail Yard Stage (Russia)"
Street Fighter IV Original Soundtrack

This track has recently become one of my favorite Street Fighter IV music pieces. Electronica with an obvious Russian flair... nice to race fight to at night. Plus, it fits well with me - what, with me using Zangief as my main and all. I somehow see the Red Cyclone magically show up and perform some Hopak dance whenever I hear this.

Jason Hayes - "Stormwind (City Theme)"
World of Warcraft Soundtrack

Nothing gets me up and excited to kick some ass like "Stormwind" does. Named after the gigantic human city, this track just welcomes you into the heart of the Alliance with an amazing fanfare. I still remember my first time walking into this city... I was some newbie Human Rogue learning the ways of the game still, and one of my quests took me to the bastion of Humanity. As I walked through the gates, I remember this track playing, and between the scale of Stormwind and the much-fitting music, I was left awe-struck.

This is by far one of my favorite pieces from World of Warcraft - even with all the other music pieces out there for the game. It's not because the music sings "pure epic." It's not because it works as an alarm clock tone. It's because whenever I play this, I swell up with pride and honor (and a bit of badassery, too) and become epic. Everyone within earshot wonders how I get epic enough to have such a blasting fanfare. Gamers within earshot recognize and identify me as a video game (music) enthusiast who plays the famed MMO. Alliance players say nothing and secretly cheer me on. Any Horde players within earshot cringe and want to yell something insultive at me in Orcish or Thalassian.

Regardless... awesomest. City anthem. EVER.

Jackie Presti - "Love Theme"
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Original Soundtrack

The melancholy this piece emanates seems to be ironic for tonight's entry - I'm in a great and chipper mood, yet the wailing viola and Jackie Presti's Hebrew vocals seem to speak otherwise.

I'm going to assume it's a viola "singing" the first 90 seconds of "Love Theme." To me, violins screech in high pitches; violas groan in lower ones. While I'm musically inclined, I'm not that attuned to instrument identification just yet. Anyone want to confirm my guess or correct me?

Anyway, it's musical pieces like these that help video games transcend from mere technological entertainment into something more. The last section of tonight's entry was partially inspired by this song, and as "Love Theme" transcends simplicity, so does that section...

Good night, readers! Josh here with another entry for another day... and as mentioned yesterday: another announcement.

And other stuff. What: you didn't think I'd just be announcing something and calling it a night, did you? Oh, you did? Well... *snorts* ...ya' jerk. =P

The Thirty Thousand Trial
(Challenge: ACCEPTED.)

I figured that while advertisement for my blog (or lack thereof) was a primary factor in how I could influence guest traffic, it won't be any good if I didn't have anything worth reading. I understand that nobody wants to read up on some twenty-something's blog and only find short personal rants and entries lacking quality and what not. That's when I came up with an idea. Alliteration aside (from the subject title, mind you), I think it's fairly obvious what the goal is, but... some people just don't get the hint.

Or rather: they don't understand how my overactive mind works. It's okay - nobody does. I don't even understand myself at times, and that's just scary interesting. Moving on...

So, for the duration of September, all my entries will contain at least a thousand words - and that's not counting pre-entry sections or footnotes.

By doing this, not only do I expect to increase the quality of my writing here by at least 300%, I can also expect me to talk about something... relevant to my (small) fan base. I won't be surprised if this makes me create more tags to accommodate all the words I'll be typing.

Those of you who already whine about how some of my entries can be... well, let's say "long-winded" or something similar... can just suck it. My blog, my rules, my way of running things. You can simply "TL;DR" like you do, OR you can read and find yourself amused. Your call.

Besides, this entry can also count as a trial to see if I could randomly make a 1,000+ word entry on the spot. (Trivia: the trial worked. The meat and potatoes on this entry - subtracting pre-blog stuff - amounted up to at least 1,027 words. Surprising, huh?)

Questioning an Invasion of Smiles
(Happiness! =D)

Apparently, last night I was working like crazy at work (gee, where else?) when one of my friends at work mentioned that I was... well, different. It was a great night and I was rather chipper. What made this particular brand of enthusiastic joy stand out however was the fact that I was emanating clear-cut and undisguised happiness. Confused? Let me explain.

As I've mentioned before, I used to be more of a Debbie Downer. I was pessimistic, downtrodden and utterly hopeless when it came to my morale and emotional state. Over the course of this year, however, I've become more optimistic and cheerful about my current status (and life, in general). However, while my overall mood has changed drastically for the better, only those who know me well enough can see it. My exterior mannerisms seem to be the same as before, so those with an untrained eye end up refuting my claims of increased optimism.

Normally, I act cheerful and somewhat aloof while retaining a high amount of (dry) sarcasm. (Some claim this as a defensive shield - we'll leave that as a future topic one day.) Yesterday night, I was - according to my friend - "happy." I don't mean the "I just woke up and I have the feeling today's going to be a great day" kind. Mind you, I mean happy as in, "I was singing songs, helping everyone left and right and - get this - smiling" - all things I apparently don't do normally when I'm cheery.

I brushed off her claims and just laughed it aside, stating that I was "always like this" and pretending she was crazy. She refuted and said I don't normally do anything of the sort. It got me thinking for a bit about if I was actually "happy" happy as she was stating... or if I was just concealing something. It also had me ponder on my current emotional state, which had me quite fearful for a brief moment. (I mean, I'm long overdue for something like this.)

Fortunately, I escaped that self-blather intact, but it did leave me speculating on a question that I think I should get answered:

Am I truly happy?

I've always felt that something was missing somewhere, but I never could identify it. I think I have an answer, but I don't want to confirm it - otherwise things may stop being happy. Don't worry about me - I'm not on some emotional downward spiral or anything of the sort. I'm perfectly content at the moment, but the question does deserve some kind of answer, methinks.

The Age of (Lego) Control
("When the battlefield is under total control, war... becomes routine.")

I'm a sucker for fun things. As can obviously be noted by my past entries, Legos would be one of them.

I've been rummaging through my collection and doing what I can to make armies and characters for this crazy war story I want to create. I've already showcased some of my vignettes, forces and creations, but I don't think that's enough. Alone, they make for interesting tidbits of information, but together... oh, together, they could make quite the interesting story. Pair this interesting story with my overactive imagination and you'll end up with a concoction that is sure to knock your socks off and make you go "Wow."

For now, however, I think it's best if I left you in the dark for now in terms of my Lego ordeals. The Serecles Royal Defense Force will just continue to train its soldiers for whatever may come through the Sereclellan border without incident. While that happens, I'll be modifying things in their arsenals and updating models and minifigures... all with various anime and television shows in the background. Hehehe. Always fun tinkering with Burn Notice or Sailor Moon running in the background.

Trust me when I say: you'll see my work soon enough. And I hope you enjoy what you find.

So, until the 'morrow, everybody! Have a great evening, and look forward to September!

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