Monday, August 29, 2011

Downsizing Geo-Political Reality

Sometimes you have to take the good with the bad. Take corporate downsizing, demilitarization or even border reduction for example. Funds get lower due to decreased profits; the ability to defend your country is reduced; your overall governing power looks more and more like a joke. Despite all that, there are silver linings wedged between all those gray clouds - smaller management brings the staff to a more personal level; state funding can be used for better things like education; you have yet to be conquered and driven out out complete power.

However, in some situations the bad is all you'll ever get. Stocks fail to rise to where they once were; armed forces can no longer respond like they once did in an emergency; surrounding rival nations prod your countrymen farther inland. Things start going from bad to worse to God-knows-how-bad, and it's only a matter of time before someone hits their limit and breaks - at which point nobody can guess what could happen next. With enough provocation, even the tiniest group of doves can find themselves becoming blood-thirsty hawks in a blaze of self-perceived glory - all due to metaphorical blindness.

Mind you, I'm not just referring to real life events that may or may not be occurring right now. I'm also referring to my imagination and its recipe for a fun story. And... yes, it's kinda totally involving my Lego collection and what not. Yeah, I know - I'm a dork. I'm also a kid at heart, so it's okay for me to pull on strings like these every so often.

Just ask yourself: how often do you get practice to play God and direct the lives of various people according to your design? Heh... maybe that's why I play with these toys: I'm their god, directing the lives of countless fictional people. Theirs is a fate that none of them can ever deny. Such is life... such is war... and such is the way of the Lego minifig.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a little play-date with myself (yes, I'm aware of how wrong that sounds), so I'll bid you adieu until the 'morrow.

Yeah, there'll probably be pictures. Other topics, too, though I can't guarantee if pics will accompany them or not.

And yes: it's all going to be PG. Jesus - get your damn minds out of the gutter. =P

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