Sunday, August 28, 2011

Etheral Pep Talk

"Why are you doing this?"

"Why shouldn't we? What; do you think this is all a sham or something? No - this is real. This is really happening."

"But - !"

"But what? Are you so truly against me? Against this?"

"W-Well, no..."

"Exactly my point. Deep down I know you don't want to stop me. You want me to do this as much as I want to, so why stop me? I mean, it's not like either of us can change the outside world enough to stop me."


"So... you see where I'm getting at?"

"I... I think so. You, uh... you absolutely sure about this?"

"Yes. I am."


"Just remember this one word: 'LIVE.' Live today so you don't have to live in a tomorrow that may not be."

I slowly nodded in understanding. Confused as I was, it surprisingly made sense...

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