Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Blank Day 5

Today's feeling a lot like the other four days. I'm not liking that. Not at all.

Part of this I think has to do with the "June gloom" that's haunting my section of the world right now. It's been cloudy for nearly a full week now and I'm really, really starting to get sick of it. *skyward scream* Where's my sunny sky, Earth!?

Yes - I'm aware of how bad this string of crap entries have been. Yes - I'm aware that some may call this "cheating." They do have validity with their statements, but since the only rule I have for this blog is to post at least once a day, I can also claim validity.

So, yeah. I'll see what I can do about getting a good entry up before the week's out. For now, work and intense Mario Kart 7 practice call, so... ciao.

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