Thursday, June 21, 2012

Zero CC

After a few weeks of monotony, I decided that I wanted nothing more with this. So one day, I decided to wage a war against this slurry of crap and decapitate this monstrosity. This is what happens when lethargy is met with a swift hammer to the face... and what happens when I declare that I've had enough.

(Keep in mind that the above pre-entry description would have been more graphic. There were guts strewn every which way and blood spatters all across the walls. I think I even saw a starving child from Africa Los Angeles pick up a gun and pickpocket the corpse. I'd have included that metaphor, but then I realized that not many people would appreciate the joke and would instead think I crossed the line somewhere.)

So instead of crossing the line (or somehow crossing the line twice), let's just go ahead and fast-forward this story to the (near-)present, where I'm busy drinking the sorrows away.

(TL;DR: I punched my laziness away today. With literal punch.)

Blue Ocean Punch Bowl, courtesy of Benihana.
Now let's go get wasted!

(Author's Note: During the entire time spent typing this entry up, I was not drunk at all. For starters, that'd be sad if I was. Moreover, I was at the library when this was typed, and I'm pretty sure public intoxication is illegal.)

(Author's Note: Also: inb4 "This post has nothing to do with Code Geass despite what the title may refer to." It was sheer coincidence that the two words I picked to represent the thoughts of today's entry matched two principle characters from the manga/anime series.)

Airbourne - "Heartbreaker"
Runnin' Wild

Australian hard rock band Airbourne opens up this list for today - and it's not just because they're the first artist/band to show up in alphabetical order. "Heartbreaker" possesses a "fast-paced and ready to roll out" feel to it, and that's just what I need.

I find it kind of funny how the first thing I think of when I hear this song is "fast driving" while the lyrics are just screaming sex, sex, sex. My guess is that this correlation arose when I was driving fast down the 101 one day. The iPod was on shuffle on my songs playlist, and Airbourne came on. (A friend took me to the Uproar Festival back in 2010, and Airbourne was one of the bands that showed up - needless to say, I got my hands on Runnin' Wild soon afterwards and threw it onto my iPod.) Anyway, "Heartbreaker" began playing and I felt that the fast-paced hard rock song matched perfectly with how fast I was going.

Seriously, though - great song.

(Author's Note: Holy frak; an actual song!? This... is weird!)

Martin O'Donnell and Michael Salvatori - "Released"
Halo 3 Original Soundtrack

The second track to XBox 360's Halo 3, "Released" plays in a manner that seems befitting of its name. After the opening cutscenes, the track begins playing as you take the helm and are able to control Master Chief.

Excellent exploratory track. As it plays during the first mission of the game ("Sierra 117"), you're busy getting accustomed to the game engine and controls while you slowly encounter enemies one by one. At the same time, those of us gamers who take the time to look around the virtual world and take in the view find ourselves amazed at how well the music works.

"Released" works best as background music while you're cruising somewhere - whether it's down the highway one bright morning or while you're slowly traversing the dense foliage of an unfriendly jungle filled with massive amounts of enemy soldiers (just like in "Sierra 117"). Oh, and snipers who have the precision of gods.

Today feels like a day of exploration and discovery - and this felt like a good track to start us off.

*stops drinking his punch bowl*

Well, well, well... about bloody time for a good entry to show up, I'd say. It's been a while since I've posted anything longer than thirty words. It's been longer since I posted anything of quality, and even longer since I've posted anything that was even remotely funny.

This is what happens when you give bored people a ketchup bottle and disposable wax paper with nothing on it.
So let's just skip the formalities and go straight for the entry. I'm sure it's going to bring a smile to your faces somewhere.

Fortress Lethargy
(Another look into my laziness. And here I thought once was enough...)

"June has been quiet lately. No muss, no fuss, not much activity, but I have the feeling that today will be decent - mostly because I have the fuel for it. We'll just have to see what happens later on tonight."

"Wait," I hear some of you saying. "You said those exact words yesterday, you jackwagon!" Indeed, I did. However, I'm doing this call back for a reason: it's pretty much the mindset that's been plaguing me this past month.

What the majority of June's entries probably look like to the rest of ya'.
And you could tell, too. With the plethora of entries that probably shouldn't even be called entries - though, by my (loosely-defined) legal "standards" they have to be called that - there hasn't been much action on my end. This is not even factoring the whole "Dude the 805 is soooo BORING, maaaaan!" mindset that's characteristic of where I live. (Bonus points if you read that "quote" using an American surfer accent.)

Some could argue that this is simply a case of me not living life. This may be true. It just might be. Thing is, in order to live (or "live") around here, that requires both time and money... two things I just don't ever have. (If the rare event that I do have them, it's never at the same time. And in the rarer event that I do have them at the same time, I probably sacrificed something important, like my sanity or an awesome once-in-a-lifetime event or something so utterly ridiculous I would have partaken in it immediately.)

Some could say that this is due to me not hanging out with people enough. Don't get me wrong - I love hanging out with people. I'm practically a social butterfly (if I know you, at least), and I use around 75% of my off-days to try to socialize. But while I do that, apparently this isn't enough, simply because I can't clone myself and hang out with everypony in all of Equestria the world.

A photo I took while I got my car washed.
Yes, I'm bored enough to consider "recording an automated car wash" as entertainment.
And then there's that not-so-vocal minority that wishes that I clean my shit up and get serious. Mind you, I don't mean in regards to my life (although I'm pretty sure my situation almost warrants some kind of "reason you suck" speech) - I mean in regards to my lethargic behavior on this blog.

Part of me says not to care - particularly because nopony reads this. Sure, I have a few people who actually do (gods know why) and many others who "say" they do (the view counts would have to disagree with their statements), but is there anyone else really even reading this? No - and maybe that's why I went all "bleh" for this long period of time.

The other part - the part that got me to actually type today's entry out - said to do this just so I can climb out of this hellish pit of monotony. Make a change in my writing habits for this site. Get myself inspired to do things. Great things. Things involving games, writing, and that occasional adventure to that one place. If not for me, then for posterity - and if not for them, then for the people who somehow find me and my endless ranting to be entertaining to read.

So I decided today that I should write. And here we are now.

Writing a Grand Prix
(It's not as much fun as racing one, but hey - no frakking blue shells here.)

It's kind of apparent that I've been on a Mario Kart binge. Three past entries this month mentioned the game series (with two of them specifically mentioning 7). It's still going on, and that's because the Mario Kart games have always been one of my favorite video game series to date.

Daisy drifting through one of the turns on the 3DS remake of the SNES Mario Circuit 2.
And in case you're wondering: Bumble V / Roller Wheels / Paraglider.
Long after I posted yesterday's "bleh" entry (it's not worth linking to again), I was at work, and I ended up conceiving an interesting idea. Actually, scratch that - I came up with two interesting ideas. Most everyone will like these, because most everyone I know has been exposed to some rendition of Mario Kart at least once in their lives.

These ideas are:

IDEA ONE: A "Top Ten" list for the 120 racetracks featured across the console Mario Kart games.

One hundred and twenty racetracks spanning seven games? Yes, folks: there are that many. When you factor out the "retro" courses, five of the games (64, Double Dash!!, DS, Wii, and 7) have sixteen unique racetracks while the other two (Super and Super Circuit) feature twenty. Do the math [(5 * 16) + (2 * 20)] and you'll find that we've raced on miles of track.

Note how I said "console Mario Kart games" - while I acknowledge the existence of Arcade GP and Arcade GP 2, I've never played them, and for two very valid reasons:
  1. Where the frak is an arcade in Southern California!?
  2. If I do run into an Arcade GP (2) machine, I couldn't play it for one of three reasons:
    1. The cost set to play Arcade GP (2) was ungodly high.
    2. There was an unoccupied Time Crisis or Metal Slug machine nearby.
    3. A and B.
Seriously. There's no good arcades around where I live, and the closest arcade (that I know of) that even has an Arcade GP machine or two is all the way in the City of Industry. And yes, Time Crisis and Metal Slug rate that high on my "arcade priorities" list. (And maybe Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition.)

And to think that this is only a small selection of these courses...
Digressing. 120. That is a lot to consider, don't you think? Well, I'm pretty sure I can narrow it down somehow. I'll see what I can do to not pick as much favorites on this one, though I have to warn you right now that you might have to disagree with what I eventually put on there and where some of them may be placed.

IDEA TWO: A survey compiling favorites from the Mario Kart games.

And here I was thinking that that college course in statistics wasn't going to amount to anything.

*clears throat* Anyway, while I was picking up Pokémon Conquest at my local GameStop, this random idea surged into my mind and began to take over. Granted, this was at the same time that I came up with the idea for a Mario Kart racetrack "Top Ten" list, so this just seemed to go hand in hand.

So far I'm asking people I know, but I'm tempted to go somewhere public and just get random people's ideas, because I'm pretty sure the results would be somewhat skewed. Then again, if I only go for people I know, that might make things more interesting for the readers.

More details to follow on this one as time progresses. It's only in its infancy, so there's not much I can say about this project just yet.

Well, that'll be it for today. I've got some racing and surveying to do.

That's right, everypony - I'm a warlord. Cower before my amazing Eevee!
And more importantly, I've got kingdoms to conquer and what not! Muahahaha!

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