Sunday, June 24, 2012


In a deviation from the norm, I decided to dust off an old GameCube classic so I can do some research for my next Top Ten list. That classic? Mario Kart: Double Dash!! So, before we begin, I just have to ask you one thing.

If the Mario franchise had to vote for "top trollers," these two characters would definitely make the top five.
Expecting me to throw a "HI, I'M DAISY!" joke on here?

Shinobu Tanaka - "Waluigi Pinball"
Mario Kart DS

Hehehe. What's a Waluigi reference without fitting music?

Anyway, this particular piece of music is from the Mario Kart DS racetrack "Waluigi Pinball" (gee, I never would've guessed), where the racers race around in a pinball machine. That, or we're drifting through the world's biggest pinball machine ever. It's a fun track whose fun is amplified by the especially-fitting music.

This is one of my favorite tracks to race on (especially since they remade it for 7), but it's not the same without Waluigi. WAAAAAA.

Afternoon, everyone. How's it going for y'all? It's Sunday the 24th, and that means we're in for another small entry.

Today's another day at work, but I'm going to be off for the next two days afterwards. This is great news for both you and me. Reasons being that:
ME: I get two days off. That, and that means I have more sufficient time to post a great entry as well as go out with friends to take part in events that inspire a great entry.
YOU: You get to read something longer than 500 words that seems to be entertaining! (Your mileage may vary.)
So, stay sharp and look excited. I know you are.

Anyway, back to Mario Kart and its crazy shenanigans. To those of you who actually pay attention to my stuff here, you already know about that planned Mario Kart Top Ten list I'm working on. Now, in order for me to enjoy this project and evaluate each and every contestant racetrack, it's probably best if I zip around the course in a kart myself (or in Wii's case: a bike).

The title screen of Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
However, when I popped in Double Dash!!, I wasn't expecting the nostalgia to wash over me... as well as some reasons why I didn't consider this particular Mario Kart game to be my favorite.


Well, let me explain why it didn't win top marks for me.

1.) NO JUMPING. Technically, it makes sense in context. We can't really hop around in karts in real life (not that that's stopped the very determined, though) because they're too heavy. Not only that, but since there's not one but two racers on each kart, the weight's just going to make it impossible. Still, though... the fact that I can't hop over boost pads I don't want to hit or narrowly avoid some hazard on the road kinda irked me.

2.) DRIFTING. Don't get me wrong here; I love drifting. Mastering drifting automatically makes you a more competent Mario Kart player, and mastering the boosts from said drifting can almost rocket you to "pro" status amongst your gamer friends. With Double Dash!! and every game before it, in order to obtain your drift turbo, you had to wiggle the control stick back and forth in the middle of your drift until the sparks/engine exhaust was the right color and then let go. With sufficient practice, a skilled player can get a drift turbo on a straightaway. Now, I am skilled to do this, but the GameCube's control stick wasn't the comfiest thing to use to drift. After a few laps, you'll find your left them feeling raw and possible callused. Which is bad, considering how your left thumb does... oh, I don't know... MOVEMENT?

3.) I WASN'T THAT IMPRESSED WITH THE TRACKS. I think high school me wants to smack me for saying that. Sure, there were a few fun tracks on here, but not enough. If anything, this reason's word length (as compared to the other two) is a metaphor to how many of the tracks I enjoyed.

Despite this, it's still fun (especially if I'm racing as Daisy), and I do need to analyze the tracks here to rate on my list. Oh, well. Guess that means I need to hit the time trials and see how I fare.

Now if you'll excuse me, I must head off to work. Don't worry, though - I'll be back before you know it. And when I'm back, I shall simply say:

Now the comic blog is funny again.
(Comic from Brawl in the Family #151: "Waluigi in the Family")
Nyehehehe. Until the 'morrow, everyone! *uses a Mushroom to rocket away*

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