Friday, May 31, 2013

May Bits

The last day of May... well, I did say I'd talk about a few things, so I'll see what I can do.

Bear McCreary - "Baltar's Dream"
Battlestar Galactica: Season 2 Original Soundtrack

This particular piece from the early parts of Battlestar Galactica's second season carries an unsettling feel to it. The one scene this track plays on is just as troubling to the eyes as the music is to the ears - and I don't mean that in a simple auditory/visual manner. In fact, I actually had trouble writing something here to talk about the music - it took a bit of time (and several replays of the track) to get something typed up.

It's been a while since I first sat down and watched Galactica, but I remember my emotions during this part quite vividly. At the time that "Baltar's Dream" was both heard and seen in the show, I didn't know what to make of Doctor Gaius Baltar. I didn't particularly like his character at that point (if you inadvertently get all but 50,000 of your species killed off, I'm not going to like you), but I knew that I didn't necessarily hate him either (his was a character I knew the producers had primed for development). To me, he was just a smart guy with a priority on self-survival. So when I see him experiencing this rather jarring vision/dream/whatever you want to call it, I didn't know what to expect.

Granted, as it was a disturbing dream to begin with (Commander Adama drowns the human/Cylon hybrid baby? WHAT.), I couldn't help but feel a tad sympathetic for the Doctor. At that point I felt my emotions get twisted and jumbled as they freaked out over the end of that segment - just as badly as Baltar's freak-out when he woke up. "The shape of things to come," indeed.

A nice little tip for easily-spooked people driving by themselves in the middle of the night: do not by any circumstances play this particular piece when you do. I made the mistake of doing so about a week ago, and ever since I've been having difficulty driving through dark and isolated roads. Pity that those were my last few routes for the first half of this week.

Well, hi, there, everyone. It's the last day of May (as you already know) and there's not much going on my end. While it's one of the longer months of the year (at least longer by how much daylight shows up), it was also one spent doing things that interested me. As you can tell by the above few paragraphs, I was focusing on music.

Blueberry muffins.
I was also trying my hand at baking. I honestly prefer cooking as opposed to baking - while the latter is so much easier (that's debatable by some), I prefer actively watching over my food throughout the whole process. Waiting around to see if the heat's just right for the over is just dumb. Controlling the heat, stirring and adding all the ingredients... much more exciting, in my opinion.

Obligatory "I'm on a boat!" line here.
I got to hang out with people, but I didn't really get any pictures of them. Instead, I wanted y'all to see that I had fun with them. This is a picture taken yesterday at a coastal park with a playground. And me, being the ridiculous man-child I am, wanted to have fun. I told myself that if I were to visit this place again, I'd need to be in a pirate outfit. One of these days.

Yeah, not much going on, but I did say I'd talk about stuff. And I did. So, until next month!

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