Monday, May 6, 2013


When I woke up this morning, I took a look outside. The sky was a dismal gray and it threatened to stay bland and darker than it should be. It had just rained, too, and I was left to wonder if the weather would once again claim my motivations to do anything.

I powered on my laptop and plugged in my iPod and phone to charge. While that happened, I just lied there and stared out the window, empty as an ocean without fish. No ideas on what to write for today's entry... no thoughts about anything in particular... no raison... no ganas. Today pretty much looked like another hum-drum day in a hum-drum life.

As I kept watching time flow outside the glass, the cloud cover began to dissipate and the sun started shining on the ground. Things began to look brighter and I was certain this was meant to be some kind of sign. I got up, walked over the window and watched the gloomy clouds give way to billowy white ones. In a way, it represented my overall mood - my sunny demeanor broke through and now it wants to say something.

My iPod looks bored as it charges. My phone, on the other hand, believes in Harvey Dent the Lich King.
But what, exactly? As I said, I didn't have any ideas on what to type out - and yet I wanted to do something on my blog. To this moment I have no idea... so I figured I'd just type about this whole ordeal and continue with my day.

Because sometimes, even the mightiest of devices need a little time to recharge their batteries.

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