Friday, May 24, 2013

White Knight Live: The Amtrak Train

It's been a long time since I posted anything with a "White Knight Live" tag. This is primarily due to the fact that posting things on a cell phone while on the move is ridiculously tedious. That, and there's usually no stable Internet connection.

The best way to enjoy a train ride? Shooting up those Covenant sons of bitches on Halo's Legendary difficulty.
Until now. While it's been a while since Amtrak adopted wireless Internet on their passenger cars, this is the first time I've used it in my life. (Mostly 'cause this is my first Amtrak train ride ever, but let's not take that into account.) So I'm going to go ahead and enjoy the four-plus hour ride from San Diego to Oxnard. It's fun, it's cozy, it's fast, and it's something that sounds really entertaining.

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