Thursday, March 31, 2011

Inspirationless Catnap

So today happened to be a good day to do stuff if you live in the same area that I do.

Tetsukazu Nakanishi - "Demons of Razgriz"
Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War Original Soundtrack

This track seemed fitting for the ambient mood this entry seems to give off.
I'm just picturing myself on a sort-of secondary alert as I figured out what to do today.

"It's morning, everyone! Today's the day! The sun is shining, the tank is clean, and we are getting out of - *gasp* - the tank is clean. THE TANK IS CLEAN!!!"
- Peach
(Finding Nemo)

Today was pretty sunny - a first for the year. For the past few weeks it's been cloudy across the skies, and it looked as if it wouldn't let up.
However, upon waking up I saw that my assumption was wrong, and I thought, "Finally. A day off and it's sunny. Today's a great day."
...and then I remembered that I had class later on today, and my happiness turned into panic.

On my way to class, this scene from Finding Nemo came up, and I thought it to be perfect when it came to reflecting today's wake-up process.

Good day, ladies and gentlemen who read this blog but don't tell me that they do (because let's face it: most of these ladies and gentlemen don't exist).

Today was a decently sunny (and quite warm, too, might I add) Thursday, and I thank you for reading today's entry.
I have to apologize for two things: the last few entries being all... short... and the fact that most of this blog is just nonsensical talking about nothing.

Oh, who am I kidding? That's why you're here - to read about nothing! =P

It has recently come to my attention that today's entry is the 90th in this blog. Never have I come so far in keeping up with a year-long New Year's resolution. Frankly, I'm impressed with myself (and no, I'm not trying to sound all self-righteous or anything here).

This means that Sunday, April 10 will be the day of my 100th entry - and 100 entries in a row. And boy, will that be quite a celebration for myself and the few readers I currently have.

Heh. I'm starting to get giddy with excitement over here. Just the thought that I'll be hitting triple digits... ooh, I'm shivering with delight.

Lately, though, whenever I want to try to work on something, I can't help but just stare at the screen, completely uninspired, and that depresses me somewhat.
It's not like there's a lack of motivation or anything, but... I think I just lack the drive to do anything.
Yeah, that doesn't make a lot of sense - "motivation" and "drive" can be interchangeable here, but I'm referring to two separate things here.

I want to work on my personal projects. I honestly do. I want to go out and continue writing my fanfiction and my screenplays and my poetry and my machinima, and I want to keep sorting the ever-growing list of music I keep expanding.
I want to be famous; I want to make it as a writer; I want to have thousands (if not millions) of fans who admire me as a writer and as a person who inspires them to live.
I think of these things, and it motivates me to do this.

However, when I'm at the front line, I end up drawing blanks and just stare off into space. Like a car without gasoline and like a fire without combustible materials, there's no fuel to drive me forward. And so I hop out of the car, stop fanning the flames, and just attempt to do something else.

Something tells me I might have some form of attention disorder (highly likely), but some other voice in my head nags me and says it also has to do with me getting bored so easily (which might link up with the attention disorder thing).
I read up on this, and usually people with this sort of problem are those higher on the I.Q. scale.
I'm not saying I'm super-smart of anything - though I was in gifted education in younger years, I stopped going due to boredom, and I'm sure my brain cogs have somewhat rusted over by now. I've been slowly degreasing them, though.
(If anyone dares to question my intelligence here for real, then I'm just going to have to look down on you. I don't look it or act it anymore, but I do have the mental powerhouse. To hell with anyone who says otherwise.)

Digression aside, I just need that spark... that emergency gallon of fuel... something... to help me get going.
However, I've yet to procure matches or a gas tank or anything really that could fan the flames into a combustive inferno.

And if anyone has any information on where to procure some driving materials, please let me know.

With that being said, I honestly don't know why I wasn't able to do anything today.
Originally I had planned to go storage unit spelunking, but the last thing I felt like doing is adding more junk to my room that I'm not even going to end up using.
There were a few boxes I need to send to my storage unit, though, so that might be something to consider.
But other than that, I didn't have anything to do - like I said, I had no drive to do anything.

 Still don't.

*insert horribly-placed nap time here*

Oh, well. I'm sure I'll come up with something eventually.
Until the 'morrow, everyone!

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