Saturday, March 5, 2011

J'en ai marre!

If you know French, you've probably figured out that... I don't know French well enough.
Granted, I think I translated correctly. It should mean something akin to "I've had enough!" but... *shrugs*

But in all honesty, I'm not pissed off at anything.
...well... maybe the rising gas prices here, but other than that, I'm good. I just needed a title.

Alizée - "J'en ai marre!"
Mes Courants Électriques

Yeah, you're reading that right. French pop.
And people thought I was kidding when I boast around about having virtually every genre in my music collection*.

I'm sidetracking here.

While searching for a title for today's entry, I couldn't help but notice that I couldn't come up with either a topic to discuss nor could I think of a title.
As if on cue, Winamp suggested something when it shuffled songs around and brought me to listen to "J'en ai marre!"
Now, even though I already said I wasn't angry with anyone (barring rising gasoline prices), I thought the song title to be somehow fitting. (The fact that it sounded interesting as a post title helped, too. =P)

Well, today seems like it's going to be a good day. It's a Saturday, and the last day of my current pay cycle for next week's paycheck.
Weather appears to be anything but inclement, leftover cheese pizza lunch sitting in my stomach, French pop blaring from my laptop (Mes Courants Électriques is currently on rotation), random Metal Gear Solid-related Youtube videos playing when Alizée isn't singing, killing time by doing stuff instead of writing.

Life seems great today.

With work right around the corner, I think I'm just about ready to call this post quits.

Let's see what's in store for tonight, though:
  • work
  • work (again)
  • more work (again)
  • chaos at work (them guests are painful en masse)
  • Alizée (odds are I'm going to blare her stuff after work)
  • World of Warcraft TCG session (yes, I play - and I'm one hell of a Death Knight/Paladin)
  • Denny's (because food is always good)
  • work (because the wonderful world of retail has found a way to make me work outside of work), and
  • sleep
Heh. It'll be fun. Until the 'morrow, everyone!

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