Monday, March 28, 2011

It's Always Sunny When I Don't Care

Today's entry's title hearkens to an observation I've noted a few years back.
Whether it's by sheer coincidence or some mythical form of kinesis, it tends to be sunnier whenever it's not an off-day for me.

I never got it. I mean, let's take today, for instance - it's practically warm and sunny outside, and I have work in a few hours.
Conversely, tomorrow, after I get off class, it should be sunny, right?
*shakes head* Nope. Rather, it's been cloudy when I leave for class, and it still stays cloudy after it's over.

Some people say their inner emotions and energies are linked with the weather patterns.
I have to say that I think it's somewhat true.
I know - I'm sounding all pseudo-scientific and weird like I did on Saturday - but I'm one of those people.
I take a look outside and I see sun - I'm feeling good.
Next day, I see clouds - and I think "Meh."

Moving on.

Barenaked Ladies - "Falling for the First Time"

Great song. While some people may find a more romantic meaning behind the lyrics, I'm one of those who found a second meaning.
From my take, it seems to be about a perfectionist living a life of contradictions (if "I'm so cool; too bad I'm a loser / I'm so smart; too bad I can't get anything figured out" doesn't seem obvious enough, I don't know what will) - and this perfectionist is just wondering what would their life be like if they let go of their mannerisms and let themselves live.

Funnily enough - I'm quite a bit of a perfectionist myself - and as much as I want to bore you with the psychological origins of this rather annoying quirk, I won't. (Not yet, at least.)
Maybe my iPod was trying to say something when it shuffled itself to this song.

Regardless, it's mellow and great, and I see it working quite well on an opening credits sequence.
And when I re-start my video blogs, I call dibs.

"My intent is to tell the truth as I know it, realizing that what is true for me may be blasphemy for others."
- Gerry Spence

I like this quote. A lot of people have truth waiting to be uttered, and yet quite so little of it is believed due to others believing it to be lies.
Sad, really - but that's how the world operates. It sounds heartless, but think about it - I'm right.

Well, another week begins, and another month will soon be upon us.
This means only one thing: the year's about to be 25% over.

Lovely thought, isn't it? Three months will soon have passed and so far I'd say it's been successful in my end - I've posted something on this blog once every day insofar (including today - whee!), I've been more upbeat and positive all around, and I've been slowly working on all the personal projects I've been meaning to do (all of them are far from completion, but hey - some work's better than no work).

When I started this blog, I foresaw some sort of bright light at the end of the tunnel.
Mind you, this wasn't one of those "bright lights" one sees in their death tunnels, but rather a beacon of hope - something I could look forward to as the year progressed.

At the time, I had no idea what that light signified. At present, I still possess no clue.
However, it's been getting brighter and brighter with each passing day, so I have to assume that something really good is going to happen.
Hell, maybe a lot of good is going to happen - I just might get lucky.

Just stay upbeat, roll with the punches, and keep a stiff lip if things head south - that's all I have to do to get to that shining beacon, really.
Oh, and play lots and lots of video games and literally do nothing in-between now and then.

Let's start with spamming more Super Street Fighter IV 3D, shall we?


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