Friday, May 31, 2013

May Bits

The last day of May... well, I did say I'd talk about a few things, so I'll see what I can do.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Monday, May 27, 2013

Reading Time

There's not much out there that can top a nice, cool day under the shade, snacks, and a bunch of books you said you'd read when you have the time for it.

Guess what? Today's the time for it. *plops down and reads*

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sidetracked Training and Emblems

Remember yesterday how I said the Internet claims my project time? Well, it did it again. As I loaded up Blogger and got myself in the mindset to type out an entry, I got sidetracked yet again. Through a combination of various activities such as:
  • Imgur links found on Facebook
  • an hour's worth of ambient music playing while I mindlessly surfed TV Tropes and Wikipedia
  • some insight into myself
  • and the dawning realization that today is in fact Sunday*
I was able to come up with an entry for y'all to read... despite the fact that it was far from the original idea I had when I first logged on. Sometimes my inability to stay focused on things ends up paving the road better than the best-laid plans I could ever conceive.

* = I could've sworn that yesterday was somehow this Wednesday, which caused great confusion last night when I attempted to refresh some of my favorite webcomics and was left wondering why they weren't updating. Of course, I was all the more sad when I found out it wasn't Wednesday - I want my Oracle of Ages / Seasons on the 3DS eShop already! =O

I feel like this sometimes when I'm attempting to focus on work. Sometimes it works out... sometimes it doesn't.
Anyway, enough bantering. Let's read before I get distracted by somethi- oh, hey, Blackadder is on!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Internet is a Shiny

You wanna know what happens when I dedicate time to write something for a project? The Internet.

As shown by the elders of the Internet.

Friday, May 24, 2013

White Knight Live: The Amtrak Train

It's been a long time since I posted anything with a "White Knight Live" tag. This is primarily due to the fact that posting things on a cell phone while on the move is ridiculously tedious. That, and there's usually no stable Internet connection.

The best way to enjoy a train ride? Shooting up those Covenant sons of bitches on Halo's Legendary difficulty.
Until now. While it's been a while since Amtrak adopted wireless Internet on their passenger cars, this is the first time I've used it in my life. (Mostly 'cause this is my first Amtrak train ride ever, but let's not take that into account.) So I'm going to go ahead and enjoy the four-plus hour ride from San Diego to Oxnard. It's fun, it's cozy, it's fast, and it's something that sounds really entertaining.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Almost Slipped

Frak, I really need to remember to post on here before midnight. Otherwise I'll just slap myself silly.

Thanks for the reminder, Wendy. I know it's not much, but at least it makes sense that today's entry is short as well - vacation does that to you, huh?

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Out of It

You ever have those days where you're just stupefied over what to do? I'm not sure if today counts as one.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Who Has Nap Time Now?

You know what sounds really, really good all of a sudden? A nap. A nap right before a long trip, where I'll probably take another nap. This is all because catching up on sleep (a theory that can potentially be discussed on a later date) is a very nice thing.

Regardless, all I know is that nap time comes before pants time, not after. And no, I'm not just making up these times. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to dream land where I can come up with ideas for projects.

Monday, May 20, 2013

A Loser is Me

Losing to an elite AI on StarCraft II is one thing. Getting utterly stomped by the same AI when you've got pals to back you up? Oh, Lords... you better believe that's downright humiliating. In my quest to prove myself "smarter" against the machines, I'm going to go weep in the corner as I attempt to develop a strategy to beat it.

This is almost as bad as cutting myself... only instead of blood, it's mind-numbing screams of terror and confusion. "HOW THE FRAK ARE THEY TECHING THAT FAST!?"

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Here We Go Yet Again

Almost forgot to type something on here. That would've been bad and messy if that were to have happened...

...guess that's what happens when you get distracted by life and what not.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Lunatic Diaries, Part 1

Okay, I'll admit: that thing I wanted to post up on here by the weekend? I didn't finish it. No surprise there, really. However, in lieu of that I decided to work on something else to make up for it. I don't know if it was going to be as pointlessly informational as my original idea, but I figured I'd go ahead and roll with it.

Considering how I actually have the notes for this (as opposed to the original idea), it's better that I do this. But what is "this" exactly?

Okay, so remember how nearly two months ago I wanted to write a silly series involving marriages in Fire Emblem Awakening? (Of course not; nobody reads personal blogs - let alone mine.) That was the original thing I had planned to put up by today, but since I got sidetracked by about forty-five different things, that obviously didn't happen.

Four hours of pain and sixteen hours of level-grinding later... and I'm still getting my ass handed to me.
One of the aforementioned "different things" that sidetracked me was the promise I made to myself weeks back. After beating Fire Emblem Awakening, I told myself I'd go on and attempt to beat it in Lunatic mode, the game's second-highest difficulty. (Lunatic Plus, Awakening's highest, has to be unlocked by completing the game in Lunatic first.) I remember reading reports on how the two are nightmarish in their challenge, and after trying out a few missions in the campaign, I've found they weren't kidding.

I started my Lunatic run earlier this month, and since then it's been utter hell for me. To prove it, I've been keeping a log of thoughts, comments, and reactions I've had to this profanity-inducing run on my cell phone. I've transcribed everything from May 5 (the start of my run) to now for your viewing pleasure. So, if you've played the game and/or feel like laughing at my anguish, then feel free to read on.

Friday, May 17, 2013

I Am Tired

I am tired this Friday. Mayhaps that thing I promised will actually show up tomorrow.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Snapshots of Work

Working on things takes a lot of work.

Getting pictures is hard work.
Trust me... I know. Hehehehe.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Dusting Work

I keep having days where I don't know what to do in terms of writing. So when I do, I usually go back to an old project - one I was previously working on but stopped for whatever reason(s), or one I announced and then did nothing on afterwards.

Today's one of those days. After running some errands across the county, I found myself with a bit of time to kill before one of my friends gets off work later in the afternoon. As such, I figured I could dust off one of the metaphorical project folders I have lying around. This time, I have a bit of a goal: get a piece of it done by the end of the week for presentation purposes (read: I'm posting it on here).

So, if you'll excuse me, I'll work on that. Until the 'morrow. Until then, I'll just have to figure out what to do in the face of great danger some other time...

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

An Armed Choice

I didn't believe my ears. My life was at risk? For what? Sure, I've paid a prom night's worth of speeding tickets and pissed off some friends to the point of burnt bridges. However, none of it seemed worthy of taking my life. I didn't have any enemies wanting me dead. (As far as I knew, at least.)

"What do you mean by 'my life will be at greater risk?' What exactly is going on?"

Monday, May 13, 2013

The Mysterious Caller

"Mister Blanco, I know you're there."

I didn't know what to say. Hell, I didn't know what to think. A mysterious voice on the phone who knows who I am... said phone wasn't even mine to begin with... a twisted ankle that had no known cause... this was both mystifying and perplexing. Whatever the case, it was shudder-inducing.

The voice on the phone spoke up. "You do realize you're going to have to talk sooner or later, Mister Blanco."

A moment passed before I let off a sigh. The voice let off what I assumed to be an amused chuckle. "I'll take that for now. Anyway, you must have some questions going through your mind right about now, such as 'Who is this person?' or 'What is going on?'."

I flatly responded with: "Yeah. Though to be honest, I'm more confused about the phone."

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Rung In


The audible chirp of the desk phone echoed in my ears as it roused me from my sleeping state. I merely groaned in response - it felt as if I didn't get enough sleep. Four hours? Six hours? I couldn't tell because I didn't remember what time I drifted to sleep.

As I wondered whether or not I should catch up on my z's, I felt an impending sense of dread. Scratch that - it wasn't like fear. This was more of a sense that something seemed wrong. I couldn't quite figure out what - I was just waking up.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Postponed Once Again

I should really figure out how to manage my time, because now I have no time to post the thing I wanted to post today. This is what happens when I don't pay attention to the clock and get myself involved in other things that weren't initially on my list of things to do.

Such is my life, isn't it? *hangs head dejectedly*

Friday, May 10, 2013

Last Seconds

Okay, there's something going on that's all last-minute, so I have to take off! I'll give you something good tomorrow!

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Sometimes I like to think that my life is magic.

Yeah, that doesn't make sense, but for some reason I felt like typing something that truly had zero sense to it. Call it a twisted state of mind or some weird psychosis involving boredom or a lack of ideas going in my head, but hey - that's what I felt like typing. I blame my brain. I blame the fact that I've yet to play The Wind Waker. I blame the fact that people have too much time on their hands and show it off by speedrunning games I love. I especially blame the fact that my mind works like jelly at times and that it does its own damn thing because it feels like it wants to. Weird, brain. Really weird.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Hunger Ideas

It's a bad idea to be hungry. It's a worse idea to shop for food when you're hungry.

But when your hunger combines with recently-bought food and the sudden spark of culinary ideas...

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Good Times Needed and Spent

So I spent today trying to learn how to do the moonwalk and I have to say... I suck at it. Hehehe. I wouldn't say it's a total loss, though - between getting to do that and eat tasty spaghetti, I'd say I had a day well spent.

Okay, I'll admit: I'm feeling a tad lazy today. I'm over with my cousins' and we're just having a good time. That's what these days need - good times. Not just good times for me, but good times for everyone around here and there in the world.

Monday, May 6, 2013


When I woke up this morning, I took a look outside. The sky was a dismal gray and it threatened to stay bland and darker than it should be. It had just rained, too, and I was left to wonder if the weather would once again claim my motivations to do anything.

I powered on my laptop and plugged in my iPod and phone to charge. While that happened, I just lied there and stared out the window, empty as an ocean without fish. No ideas on what to write for today's entry... no thoughts about anything in particular... no raison... no ganas. Today pretty much looked like another hum-drum day in a hum-drum life.

As I kept watching time flow outside the glass, the cloud cover began to dissipate and the sun started shining on the ground. Things began to look brighter and I was certain this was meant to be some kind of sign. I got up, walked over the window and watched the gloomy clouds give way to billowy white ones. In a way, it represented my overall mood - my sunny demeanor broke through and now it wants to say something.

My iPod looks bored as it charges. My phone, on the other hand, believes in Harvey Dent the Lich King.
But what, exactly? As I said, I didn't have any ideas on what to type out - and yet I wanted to do something on my blog. To this moment I have no idea... so I figured I'd just type about this whole ordeal and continue with my day.

Because sometimes, even the mightiest of devices need a little time to recharge their batteries.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sleep Needed

So I almost forgot that I had to post today.

Unfortunately, I don't have anything planned in my head, so I guess we'll have to deal with a short entry. Again. Oy. *smacks head* I'll see if I can make up for this tomorrow. Until then, I'm going to go sleep. G'night, y'all.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Cuisine in the Flames

Originally I was going to write some kind of silly introduction for today. It would have involved food- and fire-based puns that I'm sure people (read: me) would get a kick out of. However, not everyone can digest cheesy banter of that magnitude, so I decided to lower the heat.
The last thing you want to do right now is to burn yourself off something with enough spice to make a smuggler cry blood.

This fire's really heated up the air the last few days. Pun both intended and not.
(Photo taken by Karen Quincy Loberg of the Ventura County Star.)
I'd advise people with poor taste palates (read: those that can't stand the heat) to stay out of the kitchen. I don't feel like scalding anyone's tongues or soft skins, so I might as well warn you now.

Okay, enough puns. (Even if the local fire here in California is a hot topic.) Without much further ado, I present to you: the stuff that made Thursday a hot day.

(Please don't extinguish my life due to these indigestible puns. I'm on fire!)

Friday, May 3, 2013

Incoming Proof

That info's gonna be a bit late, but it's there. Trust me. As proof: a photo showing food trucks.

...and fire. Once I get the time to write it all down, I'm gonna show you. That's tomorrow!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

thinking on an empty stomach

There WOULD be something here today, but... FOOD TRUCKS ARE CALLING MY NAME. Info tomorrow - cross my heart.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Transformer (Re)Boot

Okay, so it's officially May now. May - the fifth month of the year and... well, I don't know what else. And speaking of not knowing what else, I don't know why, but I feel compelled to type today's entry out while I listen to an eclectic playlist.

*puts on a personalized "tanking" playlist on WinAmp*