Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Beached Entry

(Author's Note: This was composed earlier today while I was at the beach. As I couldn't think of anything to put here on today's entry, I figured I'd slap this on. =D)

There's something invigorating about relaxing at the beachfront on a (mostly) sunny day.
A soft breeze peppered with the scent of ocean salt cooling you while the heat of the sun bathes you with just the right amount of its radiance.
The rolling roar of the tides, constantly pushing and pulling against the sands.

The feeling of calm and serenity enveloping you and melting away all of life, leaving only the beachfront and your soul.

I love trips to the beachfront. Not only do you get to experience the sensations I listed above, but it also grants you a gift of time.
Of course, how one spends their time can and will vary.
Some will want to invite their friends and call it a "beach day."
Some will go along with the tide line and take a walk (friends and pets optional).
Some will just find something nice and dry to sit on and meditate as they stare off into the sparkling water.
Some will practice balance and crane kicks as the sun slowly sets.
Granted, very few of us will actually go to the beach and try to act like Mister Miyagi from The Karate Kid, but I'm certain 90%+* of anyone that goes to the beach will go for the other three activities.

* = Heaven forbid you're part of the 10%- who are there for OTHER reasons... including (but not limited to) photo opportunities, a shipwreck, getting a nice pair of cement shoes, disposing a corpse, and staging an amphibious beach landing akin to Normandy 1944.

Personally, I'm a fan of staying sand-side. I both respect and fear its icy charms - I love water's metaphorical cleansing and renewal properties, but I hate the fact that I'm aquaphobic.
Despite that, a beach trip puts my mind at ease whenever I stare off into the aquatic beyond.

So, if you're lucky enough to live relatively close to a beachfront (and if you haven't gone in a while), I suggest taking some time to go there and just walk around (or do what I did and stand on a rock looking into the ocean). It'll do you wonders - especially if you're not having a good day.

However, if you don't live near a beachfront... MOVE TO SOMEPLACE THAT DOES. Heh

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