Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Not So Daft Now, Eh, Punks?

I'll be honest - today's entry has nothing to do with the title. I just thought it was snazzy and stupidly silly enough to warrant its usage.
It's due to the fact that as I was trying to figure out what to type, Daft Punk started playing.

(Kudos to anyone who saw the reference before I had to explain it.

Current Music:
Daft Punk - "Around the World"


But anyway, it's such a mellow and laid-back song. Kinda like how today was.
Hence, it was fitting.

Lazy days are sometimes some of the best things that can happen to anyone.
The strife that life burdens you with just go away for that moment and for a while, peace is instilled in your heart and mind.

Music helps a lot.

For me, it wasn't just listening to music that got me in a calm and serene mood today - it was also the process of sorting it.
I have a bunch of music on me, and I can never seem to bring myself to sort it all.
Granted, it's a rather large project - one that could take me weeks (I'm serious.) - so I'm in no rush or drive to finish any of it all any time soon.

But today... oh, I don't know. Today feels good. Back to more feel-good stuffs and music-sorting!

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