Saturday, February 12, 2011

Literary Meditation

Some days I wake up and stare at an empty piece of paper or an empty word processing document and find myself unable to come with a single thing to write about.
It's an agonizing feeling writers have - that fine line between "I want to write" and "I'm writing something" that we just can't cross sometimes for unknown reasons.
While some may claim writer's block* or lack of muse and just leave to do something else (usually to find inspiration), most others end up having a staring contest with the paper or computer screen... and lose.

Today's one of those days.

On a day like this, I would probably be yelling at myself or pulling out my hair... but today I'm remaining calm about it.
It's a rare time when a writer who would normally freak out or just leave the area decides to just meditate on the issue at hand and realize that maybe today doesn't have it all yet.
By that, I mean that we may not have an idea in our heads yet, but at the same time we'll just let whatever flows into our mind flow into our fingertips as we write or type.

Letting the world flow through you... to let it guide your hands and help you mold a literary piece of art... it's a pretty rewarding feeling when the piece is finally finished.

Thus far, I've probably had these kinds of moments... I'd say about thrice before today. Granted, that may not seem like a lot, but when you factor in the fact that I've been writing since middle school... that's a looooong while.

So, world... let's see what you can offer to me and my muses... *closes eyes and adopts a meditative stance*

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