Friday, February 11, 2011

A Delicious Discovery

So today I hung out with some of my friends and we went to get food.
And not just any food... but Five Guys.

To those of you who live under a rock that rivals my own, Five Guys is a fast casual restaurant chain that serves burgers and hot dogs.

I'm going to be honest: I've never been to a Five Guys before, and frankly, I regret that.
Yeah, go ahead and make fun of me and my rock. Eh. I just think that discovering something new is always a good thing.

So when I went inside, after being told it was a delicious burger joint, I was prepared for a good burger.
I looked around and saw bags of potatoes and boxes of peanuts and peanut oil stacked in a faux line barricade... found that to be clever.
I checked the wall decor and found lots of magazine and newspaper articles and reviews listing Five Guys and their reputation which somehow eluded me for the past 21.5 years.
I ordered my meal* and sat down, chewing on peanuts and chatting with my buddies.
I thought this was gonna be a pretty tasty meal.

But Five Guys blew my initial perception out of the water and presented me with what could possibly be the best burger I've had so far.
I'm not kidding - when something hits you with a terrific torrent of delectable taste for the first time in your life, you can't help but react appropriately.
Some people make the loudest "MMM!" sound they've made all year; some stare at their food wide-eyed in amazement; some others hound their food down with great joy and gusto only to sink sadly in their chair when they're at their last bite.

My friends who were there can verify that I performed all three. Trust me when I say "It's THAT good." *nods*

(* = For those of you wondering what I got for my very first Five Guys meal: bacon cheeseburger, all the way minus pickles. WOW.)

If there's a lesson to be learned in all this, I present it to you now:
Eat a Five Guys burger. Unless you're a pent-up vegan/vegetarian*, you won't regret it.

(* = You a vegan/vegetarian? Don't worry; they serve burgers without the burger mean. Sounds redundant, but trust me - it's still going to taste deliciously awesome.)

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