Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Smashing Anger

I often ask myself sometimes if I overthink too much.
Now, my friends usually realize that any sentence bearing any similarity to the previous one usually means I start a huge, pent-up monologue that snowballs its way into some sort of depressing... eh.

NO. There's no need for that contrived talk. Not yet, at least.

For now, I'll just take out my complicated emotions on AI fighters. Gotta love training on a new character* on Super Smash Bros. Brawl before I head out to meet with friends tonight.

* = In case you're wondering, it's Zelda. Sheik's been one of my best characters since the Melee days, but... I think Zelda's new-found power in Brawl (along with her infamous stiletto heel) won me over for some training sessions.

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