Sunday, February 13, 2011

Going Nowhere is Going Somewhere

Have you ever had one of those projects (school-related or otherwise) where no matter how much effort you put into it, it doesn't feel complete... or even right?
To the artistic types out there who read this, you know the feeling - that missing something that seems to constantly elude us to the point of leaving us wondering if this something is mere myth.

I currently have one of those projects on my plate.

It's an old poem I started writing for a Creative Writing class I took a few years back.
Technically, it's finished, but it lacks focus... lacks the emotion-inducing feeling I want it to instill into the reader.
Layman's terms: I don't think it has substance.

Of course, a good portion of the reason behind me feeling this way is the age-old "artist's curse" - how we are our own worst critics.
While this is true, something else is my mind is nagging me that there is something missing...

...and unfortunately, I don't know what.

All afternoon and evening at work it's been driving me nuts... and while I've gotten nowhere with the project, I think I'm one step closer to finishing it, even though it looks as though I've gone nowhere.

Quite an odd feeling, isn't it?

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