Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leaping Out of February

This day only comes once every four years. Better make today's entry count!

Tetsukazu Nakanishi - "Desert Arrow"
Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War Original Soundtrack

Desert missions... always a fun treat to encounter. Good thing that most of my desert fighting's usually done in the skies above the scorching sands. That's the aural experience one would get when they listen to "Desert Arrow" and perform close air support for the not-so-lucky friendlies who're stuck fighting in said scorching sands.

This is a fun track to have playing in the background while you're working on something. If you're a budding cinematographer looking for something to back your desert fight sequence with (or just plain need war music), give this a shot.

Yoko Shimomura - "Fight Against an Armed Boss"
Super Mario RPG Original Sound Version

The boss theme to one of the few RPGs I've played extensively, Super Mario RPG. Great game, and for its time, it was great music.

Anyone else think of Bowyer when this is playing? I swear to God - that bastard really pissed me off when I couldn't use my healing items...

Afternoon, readers! How're y'all doing on this (hopefully) fine day? I hope it's going rather swell, because that's what today is! As it's Leap Day and I won't get to see another one for another four years, I figured I'd make this entry a good entry (for once) and treat y'all to an awesome blog experience today. Now without further ado, let's get to the meat of it!

"We go!"

Where The Frak Have You Been, You Beautiful Bastard!?
(Somepony else should answer this question...)

You know, that's a very good question to ask me (even though you didn't really ask me this). I can't provide you with an answer, so the Medic will answer that for me.

Thank you, Doctor. Now, moving on to the blog.

I've been nowhere. I've been everywhere. I've been stalking you in the shadows and hiding in the sunny glare. I've camouflaged my actions and movements to make myself nigh impossible to detect. I have executed your comrades silently in the dark and left no trace of their existence whatsoever. I've been sent on a mission to eliminate the chaotic terrors that threaten the existence of peace and order, and to learn what it means when they say "Loyalty to the end."

...oh, wait; that's what I've been doing in Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D. *embarrassed head scratch* Aheheheh... uhm. *clears throat* Ignore the above paragraph.

Truth be told: I've been feeling somewhat lazy lately. (As if the majority of February's entries weren't already any sort of indicator...) I don't know what it stems from. It could be my current life situation that I've obviously never divulged with the mass public that is the Internet. It could be the fatigue from said life situation. It could be apathy from typing so many blog entries that warranted a "justified" laziness session. It could be some other made-up excuse I've contrived or been handed. It could be something else entirely that I haven't figured out yet.

Ah, well. The fact is that I've had a very satisfying past three days off, and it's helped rejuvenate my psyche and overall demeanor. It'll help with my upcoming shifts at work and what not.

(40 days where I do silly things. Now, is this a mocking gesture or yet another eccentric action? You decide.)

Last week was Ash Wednesday - or for those of you who don't follow Christian "traditions": February 22. It is the first day of Lent, where the average believer gives up something out of penitence.

In solidarity with those of you who've given up something for Lent, I have also given up my rights and have omitted the usage of various things out of "penitence."

Chopsticks? At Denny's? What has this world come to?
I gave up Western eating utensils. Huzzah, me!

Now, since I'm pretty decent at wielding chopsticks ("adept" seemed too strong a word), this wouldn't seem like a challenge at first glance. But when you factor in the fact that I've already attempted to eat mashed potatoes and soup with chopsticks (wat) and the fact that I like buttered toast in the mornings (HOW I MINE FOR FISH SPREAD BUTTER WIF CHOPSTICK), this may seem to be quite the silly endeavor.

So far, I've managed a week (no thanks to the mostly-finger-food diet I've had) without having to use a single eating utensil (that is: spoons, forks, and knives), and I aim to keep doing so until Lent is up. Only time will tell if I can pull this off or not. Heh.

Proof That Big Boss is a Badass
(Metal Gear fans don't need to be told this, but the rest of the world sure does!)

So while playing Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D, I remember going to sleep and then waking up one night while I was adventuring through Svyatogornyj.

Do you see what's wrong here?
I noticed something odd about Naked Snake when I was backtracking for supplies and ammunition. So, after it was irking me for some time, I finally decided to investigate.

If you don't see the major problem now, then maybe you should take a crossbow bolt to the knee spine.
Lo and behold, I had forgotten to treat one of his injuries while progressing through the game! During the boss fight with The Fear, I got hit by crossbow bolts numerous times. Midway through the fight, I treated all of the sustained injuries... but it seems as though I forgot one.

What makes this funny is that left untreated, all of Snake's injuries - no matter how severe - will heal over time (even when you save, quit, and not play for a few days). Apparently, the bolt wound healed without ever being treated, which meant that for all intents and purposes, Snake didn't have to remove the bolt from his back - the game said he was "healed."

Now, as hilarious as this is for me, this left me a little sad - imagine how funny the rest of my game would've been had I fought The Fear long enough for him to get a headshot on Snake.

You are dead.
Skip your next turn and lose 500 points.
This is now inspiring my darker and eviller gamer side to do more fantastically horrible things to our poor CIA agent of a protagonist. If I remember right, that warehouse I was in was at least three stories tall... *maniacal laughter*

Well, I'm sure that this was a fantastic read for once. If you'll excuse me, I have to leap into the rest of my day. Until the 'morrow, everypony! I'll see y'all next month! *jumps away*

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