Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Unintended Life Lessons

I know, I know - I said I was going to post something great today, but as you can see, that's not the case. I've been hanging out with friends and having fun enjoying life and what not.

While it seems as though I've been horrible with keeping my word, this actually can be seen as an important life lesson. Originally, I was going to beat myself over the head for missing my word and breaking my promise, but then I remembered a quote that struck home before in the past:

"A planned life is a dead life."
- Lauren Bacall

I have to say that while I might have made myself look like a blatant liar (as if I wasn't one already...), I've been able to enjoy myself and - more importantly - enjoy life.

That's the important part here, I'd say. *sage nod*

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