Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Non Sequitur 8: Mess

Time to dive into the entry, don't 'cha think?
It's Wednesday for you, but it's Friday for me! Huzzah!

Harry Gregson-Williams - "Virtuous Mission"
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Original Soundtrack

As I started playing Metal Gear Soild: Snake Eater 3D, I felt a surge of glee flow through me. (You might recall this occurring yesterday.) Although I've played this game many, many times before, whenever I start up a new game it always feels like the first time. So as the Virtuous Mission started up again, I just sat there with excitement as one of my favorite tracks that accompanied one of my favorite cutscenes in one of my favorite games played.

"Virtuous Mission" might seem familiar to older readers - it's been featured on this blog twice now. Aurally, I hear action, plot development, tension, thrills, and all-around high stakes in the notes. Perhaps this is why I'm featuring it again - because it meshes flawlessly with more than just the Metal Gear games.

Afternoon, everybody! How's your middle of the week going for y'all so far? I hope it's going well, because if it's not, then that means you'll be sad for the rest of the week, and we don't want that.

Now, I know some of you aren't in really high spirits right now. If I may, I'm going to attempt to cheer you up through song this totally organized and sensible entry mish-mash of sodden flop (the heck?).

What I Do At Work
(According to this blurb, it apparently involves pillow fight cleanups.)

I like being silly. I like being silly all over the place - even at work.

Now, don't get me wrong - I do my job. Apparently, I do my job well (at least that's what some of the higher-ups tell me). However, I don't see myself doing my job - I see myself being silly. According to me, "silly > job." However, when necessary, I'll do my job. But most of the time, I'm just stuck in silliness. But sometimes, I'm not the one causing the silly.

My process of cleaning things up revolves around this one mantra:
"It always gets worse before it gets better."
Case in point: what I had to wade through this past Monday. This is what happens when other people don't do their jobs - I had to go through all this and find out that every single piece of merchandise here is overstock.

Annoying, but hey - I got to kill a good amount of time organizing this. =D

Of Games and Men
(Or: Why Luke fon Fabre and Big Boss are making me happy.)

Between Tales of the Abyss and Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D, I'm just having waaaaay too much fun on my 3DS right now. I really don't know how else to describe it.

Yes, I'm well aware that these are just ports and revisions to past PlayStation 2 games, but that doesn't decrease the fun factor at all.

Anyway, to the few readers out there who've played Tales of the Abyss, here's a little status chart on how "well" I'm doing. To those of you who want to gauge if I'm doing well/poorly in terms of the appropriate levels for the plot: I just finished business at the Zao Ruins.

If you're wondering how that strange divergence of levels arose, then ask Guy and Luke why they got themselves knocked out right as Jade and Tear killed a boss.
I don't have an image for Snake Eater - I'm too busy playing that to take an appropriate snapshot! Next subject!

My 1000 Blank White Cards!
(Let me show you them!)

So, I have at least one hundred fully-made cards now. I'm dead serious.

That's the stack of cards I've made thus far - made on standard 3x5 blank index cards.
For size comparison, that's my iPod Classic charging next to it.
As such, I figured I'd showcase some more of 'em. If you're sick of this, then too frakkin' bad - YOU WILL LIKE THE CARDS. =P

"Why so SERIOUS?"
Recite the Joker's first "scars" speech from The Dark Knight. Imitate the Joker if possible.
If you fail, a Glasgow smile must be drawn on you.
(+100 points for each person you impress)
Why so serious about this game? Hm? *head tilt* Anyway, I love this card. According to some of my friends, I do this speech well. I don't sound like the Joker, but I add my own personal psychotic touch to it. *evil grin*

Duke Devlin Delivery
For the next ten minutes, you cannot speak unless "SexyBack" by Justin Timberlake is somehow playing in the background.
You may permanently hire a player to beatbox/hum/play/sing/whistle "SexyBack" in exchange for one of your turns and a favor.
Inspired by one of my favorite episodes from Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series. By the end of the ten minutes, you'll probably hate me and LittleKuriboh for this. Worth it, though.

Green With Envy
For the rest of the game, any card with a predominately green image must be retargeted to you whenever possible.
When a card is retargeted this way, lose 200 points for being a jealous, greedy bastard.
This card comes in handy whenever someone is using a green pen(cil). Just be sure that they're drawing images and that their cards are super special awesome if you do use it.

"Welcome to DIE!"
Speak like characters from a poorly-translated video game for the next four turns. (Think Zero Wing.)
-426 because you couldn't afford a decent translator
Inspired by that one X-Men arcade game they had back in the '90s. I know, I know - the proportions on Magneto's helmet aren't perfect, but nobody's asking for perfection here!

Old Spice
Hello, player. Look at the deck. Now back to me. Now back at the deck. Now back to me. Sadly, it isn't me, but if it stopped using lady-scented body wash and switched to Old Spice it could smell like it's me. Look down. Back up. Where are you? You're on a boat with the card your cards could smell like. What's in your hand? Back at me. I have it. It's an oyster with two points to this game you love. Look again. The points are now diamonds! Anything is possible when your cards smell like Old Spice and not a lady.
You're on a horse. (+2 diamonds)
If you don't recognize where this is from, go watch that hilarious commercial RIGHT NOW. (Hell - watch it even if you did recognize where this was from. It's that funny.) Also inspired by a card that was also inspired by the commercial.

"The Fun Has Been Doubled!"
If you are royalty: double your point total.
If you are a brony/pegasister: double your point total.
If it is Halloween: double your point total and yell "HUZZAH!"
In the event you're wondering why I made a card based on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, you obviously didn't read last Friday's entry. Go read it and go normalize yourself.

Anyway, I didn't have the exact colored pencils to match Princess Luna, so I picked colors that seemed close enough. All that matters is that the fun's been doubled. =D

And here's the fun part: I actually got to play a game with some friends. As such, they made their own cards, and for first-timers to this ridiculous game, they did a pretty swell job. These last four cards will be cards that they made. (See? I don't showcase just my work - that'd be greedy and narcissistic!)

You are now a Sailor Scout!
If you are wearing a skirt, spin around and show everyone your panties while transforming.
If you aren't, just spin around and shake you toushie [sic].
+500 points if you do
This card was made by one of my friends after she looked at my initial pile of cards and noticed a lack of Sailor Moon-themed cards. I haven't come up with any silly ideas for the magical girl series yet, so I've refrained from doing so. She, on the other hand, wanted to fix this problem. Thus: this card.

+75 if love is what you want but don't have yet
AWWWWWW. (Need I say more?)

Filler Arc
For the next three rounds, none of your actions will have any impact on the rest of the game.
Another friend noted my lack of Dragon Ball cards and so attempted to remedy that problem. Not only did he succeed, but I have to say that this card's actually quite good. Imagine if whoever got this ended up getting some "everyone must donate their points to me" card during the three turns. Hehehehe.

Do you like fish sticks? Do you like to put fish sticks in your mouth?
If yes: you are a gay fish.
If no: you are Kanye West. -800 points
Seeing my friends' card ideas has made me realize I've missed out on so many other series and what not I could reference. How could I've forgotten this South Park moment?

Cool, eh? Who knows - if you decide to hang out with me and play 1000 Blank White Cards, perhaps I'll feature some of your creations!

Well, that about wraps it up for today. I'm off to work, so until the 'morrow!

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