Monday, February 27, 2012


Okay, I'm going to be honest - I didn't really have anything planned for today. I spent the day watching television shows from my childhood, organizing some of the many, many Legos I have (between the pieces/minifigs I use a whole lot versus the ones I can do away with in storage), and reading old paperwork I found in my storage unit. I got so sidetracked that I just barely noticed I'm almost late for a blog entry. How typical of me, huh?

Well, here's a few things to know in the meantime.
  1. Good Great entry tomorrow. I promise. (See? I'm promising it this time.
  2. I think I freed up some hard drive space on my laptop. Good thing - it needed it badly.
  3. Cheese.
Until the 'morrow, everyone. I'm gonna go back to getting sidetracked. Hee.

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