Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Dud

So most Americans today are plugging themselves out of reality today due to Super Bowl XLVI (for those of you who can't read Roman numerals, that's 46). Meanwhile, I'm going to be at work all night and miss the game.

To be honest, I don't mind at all. I never was one to enjoy sports (save for the occasional hockey game, the 2001 Major League Baseball season, and a good game of dodgeball), and as such, I could care less what happens tonight over at Indianapolis. I could care less for the Giants or the Patriots. I could also care less for watching the multi-million dollar commercials as well (they're just going to show up on YouTube by tomorrow, anyway).

I go in at 1500. Kickoff is apparently going to be at 1830 EST (which translates to 1530 PST), which means for the next two-point-five hours after that, the store will be empty. If anything, this means that it's going to be more than empty - it's going to be dead. Not "Wednesday night" dead or "zombie apocalypse" dead - more like "Wait, humans still exist!?" dead. The only guest interactions I'll get are from:
  • other people who're apathetic about Super Bowl XLVI
  • drunks
  • foreign tourists
  • people rushing in for last-second Super Bowl party supplies
So, I'm just going to be at work, enjoying the fact that I'm making some money instead of wasting time watching two East Coast teams most Californians could care less about duke it out on a field that also isn't in the East Coast.

Of course, I obviously don't speak for everyone here in California, so to those of you spending time to watch the Super Bowl: have fun with that.

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