Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Curry Blues

The day started like any other day: me waking up wondering what I'd be doing, a few minutes of lying there in bed, some thoughts on what I did yesterday, a brief moment of lament for myself and my current status. This process normally takes anywhere from thirty seconds to ten minutes, but for some strange reason today it felt as if it was a half-hour. I could tell because that's how much time it took for my alarm clock to finally ring.

So after I smashed my alarm clock (greaaaaat; I gotta buy myself another) I asked myself what I had planned out for today, and this was the list that popped up:
  • laundry
  • work
  • something involving buying bread, bologna, and toilet paper
  • music
  • sleep
Well, I certainly had my work cut out for me. So as I laid there telling myself to get up and start my day, the thought of breakfast drifted into my mind. It's something I haven't had in a while, and I was really craving something to eat. Plus, I know how important the first meal of the day is.

Curry. For breakfast. Mmm.
After all of that, I decided to get up and cook up some curry. It's not my ideal breakfast of choice, but the thought of eating some warm curry poured out over rice sounded really appealing to me at that precise moment. (Plus, I have no money, so cooking at home with stuff beats going out and spending much-needed moolah.)

The problem with making curry (or at least the curry I was preparing) was that I had to manually cook some rice, boil some water to warm up the curry packets, and then wait in the meantime for both to finish. So I sat at the kitchen alone and began to drum my fingers on the counter.

It was at this point that my laptop decided to casually play some music from a playlist I usually blare whenever I'm mindlessly working. It was nothing special - just tracks from video games that somehow got my adrenaline to rise back in the days where I rocked out homework. Now it was just mindless notes and bleh (not to say that the stuff itself is "mindless notes and bleh") as I sat there, waiting for my stuff to finish cooking.

And then I posted this entry.
Good day. *cackles*

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