Thursday, August 16, 2012


Hey guys! I woke up today and saw this floating on the bottom of my vision range!

Look similar to last year? You must be getting déjà vu, then.
(This image created by this achievement generator.)
Yeah! I'm officially one year closer to death! And two years closer to be able to rent a car in America! And four years closer to joining the 27 Club if I'm a musician!

Also, I think I should let you in on a little secret. Look at that number. "23." One of my old high school friends told me a thing he noticed early on - that the number "23" is everywhere (and he meant everywhere). I paid no attention to it until I began to smirk at every instance that "23" pops up. It's kinda cool. A little freaky at how reoccurring the number is, but... coll all the same.

Welp, my day's starting off waaaay early for me (as indicated by the fact that this was posted in the morning), so I must head out to be involved with the plans I'm involved with. I'll see y'all tomorrow!

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