Saturday, August 4, 2012

Directions of Doom

As it's Saturday, that means the weekend is here. We need to start this weekend off right. That's why I think you should get vitamin gummies. Or at the very least, those gummy snacks that give you 100% of the daily value of Vitamin C.

Welp, I've got mine, so let's just go get today started. It's essential that you get yours, too... because if you don't, bad things could happen.

If you're wondering what I mean by "bad things could happen," then let me show you an example.

"So, just to be clear: you wanted everybody to go to the mall... today?"/td>
Pictured above is a part of Ventura County's Pacific View Mall. Specifically, we're at the third floor of its parking structure. Those with a keen eye and a taste for the ridiculous (or those who've been told and shown by yours truly) can spot what's wrong here. For the rest of you, allow me to present what makes this picture "bad."

You take the right path, and you'll be in your vehicle, driving... wherever you want to drive.
You take the left path, and I'll show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
This. "Oh, what's wrong with construction workers painting out directional arrows," I hear you asking? Well, here's my problem. You go right: you eventually will hit the floor-changing ramp. You go left...

To be honest, that's a pretty thin wall. I sure hope there's a good network of rebar under it. run into a wall and possibly plummet three stories face-first into the pavement below.

While I'm aware that most people aren't stupid enough to take the left path, I'm just waiting for the day that someone does it because "the arrows told them to."
...what the frak.

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