Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Celebrant Not Present

It's the eve of my twenty-third birthday, but unlike last year, I don't feel like doing anything to commemorate it on here. Call it laziness... call it me being out and about... hell, you could even call this entry out on account of an all date plan. (Get it? "Day" sounds like "date?" I'm on a date that lasts all day? An "all-date?")

Yeah, I, uh... I'm not being lazy at all.
Regardless, I'm going to be frank and admit that I don't feel like putting some quality thing on here today. Or tomorrow. Maybe even Friday. However, all of these days (including today) have been practically booked with plans that last for the whole day, and as such, I lack the proper time to compose something that you would call a "quality entry."

So, uh... I'm not gonna keep my plans waiting. If you're going to whine about me not posting anything for a while, I have one (legitimate) excuse:

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