Friday, August 31, 2012

Spicy Commands

Sometimes, you just have to end the month with a little bit of craziness.

I'm a little busy here - between revamping some of the pages on my blog (you may have noticed that the "About Me" and "The Tags Guide" pages are missing) and the fact that I have things to do with friends before heading into work tonight, it's a busy day for me.

Honestly, I'm just wondering why I keep putting so much on my plate when I know I can't have it all, but sometimes, I feel like I can have it all anyways. Regardless, I'm pretty stoked about today, so I think I'll just leave you with a suggestion for what to do today.

Obey me, world!
CITIZENS OF THE WORLD! I, Josh D. Blanco, command you to enjoy your Friday!

Oh, and in other news: I am 93% addicted to Sriracha hot sauce.

Indeed. Now worship me like the god I am!
(Thank you, The Oatmeal.)
That alone makes me awesome. (Then again, I'm not surprised by this outcome - I have a bottle of the stuff in my car in the event of a Sriracha emergency.)

Now go enjoy your Friday! *awesome hand pose*

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