Saturday, September 1, 2012

Cooking Off September

Happy September, everypony! I'm not feeling particularly inspired to do anything today, so instead of a decent entry, I'm going to share with you this amazing video I found this morning. (I apologize if this is old news, but hey - I live under a rock.)

The idea is that by using an ordinary plastic water bottle, you're actually able to separate an egg yolk from the whites. A very low-tech solution that yields a high-quality result...

WAT. Seriously, this is a simple and insane trick. I'm going to go try this now and see just how amazing this game-changer is. *grabs some eggs and a water bottle* Allez cuisine!

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ALERT: CORRECTION (Alert Posted: SAT 01 SEP 2012 - 1251 hrs.)
I was so amazed when I tried this that I had to document it. Here's what happened...
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Well, when I tried it, I was a tad abso-frakking-lutely amazed with it.

Mats gathered!
So I gathered the same things that was featured in the above video - two bowls, a water bottle, and an egg (mine was Grade A; I dunno what the one in the video was, but I don't think it matters). I cracked the egg open in one of the bowls and drank all the water in the bottle (yay for tasty water).

So low-tech... so highly efficient.
I squeezed the bottle, and it crinkled with much gusto as it began to suck the yolk up. I was shocked when it happened. It was awesome.

My skill in Cooking has increased to 5!
And as you can see here: yolk separated from the egg whites and fully intact. YAY!


  1. Awesome. Now, where's my breakfast bagel crumble? :P
    -Wendy K.

  2. Thoroughly amazed and will be using this method from this day forward. o.o
