Sunday, September 16, 2012

Let the Second Half Burn!

It could be said that this month has not been one of my strong ones thus far. Sure, I've been living and having fun, but in terms of me writing decent things on my blog, I've been huddled in the fetal position. So after what feels like an eternity of not posting anything substantial on here, I finally got the courage the strength something going in my mind to get me to type today!

Asian Porco Rosso, reporting for duty! (Isn't that just awesome? *gasps* IDEAAAA~!)
So, let's get this fire started and let's get this blog entry of mine rolling! *rolls out*

DragonForce - "Soldiers of the Wasteland"
Sonic Firestorm

Released in 2004, DragonForce's sophomore album featured nothing but a fifty-six minute power metal trip. Two tracks ended up becoming well-known to the public: "Fury of the Storm" and "Soldiers of the Wasteland."

The latter is what I'll be talking about for this moment. A song that seems to talk of battle and the journey to/from the aforementioned wasteland, this song definitely possesses a war-like feel to it. There are moments throughout "Soldiers of the Wasteland" where I just feel like the wind is blowing through my hair as I ride off - either to face the enemy head-on, or to ride home valiantly and triumphant.

As such, a track like this is amazingly epic when paired up with fast-paced scenarios. Try blaring this song when you're out racing on the highway or killing some bastards in an online video game.

Oh, maaaaaan. If this won't wake you up and/or get you pumped up for whatever your day/night has in store for you, then I'm not sure what will.

Keiki Kobayashi - "Briefing 2"
Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War Original Soundtrack

There are some days where you're primed and ready to kick some tail. You can't explain it - you're just feeling good about life. You wake up, get prepared for your day, and tell yourself that you'll conquer whatever comes your way. You go in, guns blazing, and give all your tasks Hell.

And then there are those days where rolling up into the fetal position sounds like the only good idea. You've received some kind of beating the day/night before. You wake up, get prepared for your day, and tell yourself that you don't have what it takes to tackle the day. You lie there, fatigued and unwilling to take on life.

Out of nowhere, a surge of energy jolts through your mind and body. Like a second wind, this surge jump-starts both your physical stamina and psychological morale. You get up, tell yourself that you do have what it takes, and run off to make trouble for the things you were originally hiding from.

Every time I listen to "Briefing 2," I find myself getting a jump-start. Used in-game after Wardog Squadron is "downed" (and later resurrected as the "Ghosts of Razgriz"), this music heard during mission briefings in the second half of the game really give you that feeling of rejuvenation. (Despite being branded as traitors by the Osean government,) You find yourself wanting to get back in the fight and tackling the missions you once "abandoned."

YouTube user "Spartanz1170" summed this feeling up quite nicely: "Listen up! You're gonna kick ass and here is how you're gonna do it." True to those words, "Briefing 2" does its job and gets me to do what I need to do - be it work at work, or work at home with my personal projects.

Heya, everypony! Welcome to the second half of September, where I told myself that I need to be more proactive with my posting on this thing.

This thought process all started a few days ago when I was looking through my blog. While I was happy by the fact that I was posting things on here, I couldn't help but feel as though I haven't been really acting on here as lively as I'd wanted myself to be. Somewhere inside my mind, my brain said something on the lines of "I think I need a fire lit under my ass."

Just know that in life, you can count on your friends (and enemies) to light a fire under your ass when needed.
Then out of nowhere, a fire started. I don't remember what happened or how the spark ignited this burning desire to better both myself and my blog's quality, but it just appeared like that. It was a culmination of kindling that subconsciously gathered around me. This kindling came from all over - things on the lines of:
  • a friend of mine starting up a personal blog of her own
  • (lack of proper) work scheduling
  • sudden surges of ideas (most of which have sadly been forgotten)
  • a morning spent playing with my Legos and reorganizing my military forces
  • a breakfast bagel crumble with my very special somepony
  • a bright and sunny day outside
And when that spark finally hit me yesterday, I told myself that I had to do something. I had to start writing again. I had to start bettering myself. I had to make this all work. And I had to do it if I valued my life and my humanity.

Well, that will be it for today. I'm starting small so that I don't screw myself over with an overabundance of pressure, so I apologize if this entry seems short. However, I'm sure that if I keep this fire up, I'm sure that it'll be an interesting second half of September!

Until the 'morrow, everyone! Stay frosty!

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