Friday, September 21, 2012

Jump Start

You ever have one of those days where things begin to roll downhill mere moments after waking up? Some piece of news shows up - and it's not pleasant. It affects you in such a fashion that it's able to shut down many aspects of your life. Morale goes down the drain; stocks in apathy triple in worth; every color in the world suddenly looks like some variant of blue or gray. You feel lethargic, helpless, worthless, hopeless.

That's happened to me today, and I'm not liking it.
Now, the question you have to ask yourself in regards to this scenario looks a tad like this: how long are you going to wallow in this depression before you stand up and tell this sadness to go frak itself in the ass?

For me, I said "about twenty minutes." I was able to keep track of how much time I wasted there lying like a demoralized vegetable with a thousand-yard stare because I started up an episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic right before the wave of hopelessness hit me. The credits began to roll and I somehow snapped out of my comatose state - probably because my brain realized that in a few seconds I'd be hearing nothing but dead air.

So I got up and decided to do something about it. This meant that I had to freshen up, grab my car keys, and go off to tackle the problems that decided to try making today suck so much. Currently, I'm at the local library, kicking ass as much as I can and getting work done on a few projects.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some things that need to be answered and some people to confront. I'll be doing that in the meantime before I grab lunch and go to work.

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