Friday, September 28, 2012

Uppercutting the Letdowns

Lately I've found myself to be... well, lacking in terms of energy stores.

September has been quite a letdown of a month for me. Between promises I made that I haven't fulfilled and promises made to me that were never fulfilled, it's hard to keep up with the vast amount of disappointment.

On one end, I know that if I keep wallowing in this quagmire, I'll drown. Looking forward to the good things in life helps me to stay afloat, and in times like these, that's often a necessity in order to survive.

On the other, I can't help but be sucked in by the force of the waves. It's not by conscious choice - if I could, I'd ignore all of this entirely. However, that's life - it drains you if something horrible goes down that's against your control.

One would think I'm in pensive thought about life when they see this.
So does this mean I'm depressed? No. I'm not. Mentally speaking, I'm in a good place. Right now, though, life is just throwing me a flurry of punches and jabs. The initial shock and trauma of the blows have passed, and now I'm just focusing on making it to the bell standing up.

Which is why I have to focus and tackle this segment of my life... one uppercut at a time.

And as for the roleplaying that occurred yesterday? It was fun albeit short. Allisenna began her investigation into the latest string of pirate attacks on merchant ships. Little did she know that the crewmember she interrogated (of the last ship to be attacked) happened to be the leader of the pirate crew! (And this is where players begin to be tested... to see if they can keep player knowledge separated from character knowledge.)

Until the 'morrow!

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