Friday, March 29, 2013

Not-So-Light Reading

I recently got my hands on some rulebooks for a few tabletop role-playing games. After spending about two hours prying through all the pages and looking up various rulesets and what not, I realized that deciding to make this "new world of Terani" project into some kind of d20 campaign would be... quite challenging.

And yet I still find myself drawn to the task.

All the things I've been looking up have made themselves look quite appealing should I decide to run some kind of tabletop campaign. Whether it's the medieval-esque nature of classic Dungeons & Dragons or the street-savvy technology present in the d20 Modern Roleplaying Game, each book I've taken the time to look at has shown potential in my eventual selection of a campaign ruleset.

What I'm aiming for is some kind of (semi-)modern setting. I'm envisioning Terani with a technology level that's relatively close to our level (give or take several decades). Despite this, magic would sound quite interesting. Imagine it... a world with both guns and arcane magic. Trippy, isn't it? There's already a few rulesets that attempt to fuse this desire into reality (Urban Arcana looks very interesting right now...), but I've only begun to scratch at the surface. As I keep reading over all of these rules, I keep getting more and more ideas. Gods know that I can use them all in some way to affect this potential campaign (if I indeed make this world an RPG campaign).

There are other books I need to look over, and now I think I'll take the time to go through them. As I keep going, I'll keep jotting notes down and figuring out things here and there.

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