Sunday, March 3, 2013


It's only now in the evening that I was able to get my hands on an Internet connection. I've been busy running chores and other things to have time to post anything. Wanna know the sad part about this? Now that I have a connection, I don't know what to write. I swear... my luck seems to be ridiculously crappy lately, but there's not much I can do about it except roll with the punches and go on with life somehow.

In other news, remember how I hit the drawing board? While I was working for one project, I accidentally ended up composing things for another project. The blessings (and curses) of mental hyperactivity, I guess. It could be why I never get anything done. (If this is indeed the case, then that would explain quite a lot...)

Anyway, I'm going to see if I can write some fun things this week. You're going to have to stay tuned to see (or check out the links I slap on Facebook). Time to work on a Top Ten list and other things that will eventually show up on here!

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