Thursday, May 19, 2011

Indulging in ADHD-Laced Food

Today was one of those lazy days that was partly by choice and partly induced by other elements.
I'm talking about consuming a copious amount of amazing sushi and the equally-copious amounts of lethargy the inevitable food coma that follows said sushi consumption gives you. (If you got lost in that sentence, don't worry - so did I.)

As such, it's given me ample amounts of time to catch up on some things, like much-needed sleep and the last few episodes of Band of Brothers and season six of How I Met Your Mother.
Such treats are a rarity for me now due to me getting handed a bunch of hours at work, and... yeah.

"But wait," I hear some of you asking. "You finished your classes already! Shouldn't your off-days from work no longer be plagued by school and therefore now have more free time to catch up on 'some things'? Or you just being a lazy-ass/bum/butt/bones* on us?"
I guess I'm going to have to say that I am feeling lazy. I mean, now that I don't have to work my tail off for some suit who judges me as a number, I can do what I want!

And the first thing I want to do is not please everybody! *immediately submits this entry and goes off playing Super Scribblenauts*

* = That phrase will vary depending on your personal language levels and morals on censorship. I can't speak for all of us, now, can I?

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