Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Shitskies (Or, How Josh's Blog Got Hijacked Again)

-Alright, so I've been given permission to do a post on Mr. Whitey's blog, so this aint no hijacked entry!

-Anyway, so i guess Mr. Whitey was quite disappoint about the lack of meat in the previous blogs, so to make up for it, i will do nothing but type! even if it is just rambling. HOLY SHIT, so i just heard that F1 2011 is coming out 27th of Sept. which is freaken awesome, except that i still need to play the first one....well, i have, but my compy can't really run it. I guess Namco is gunna publish it, since it came from a Namco Bandai Press Conference. And then something about Dark Souls coming out early Oct 2011, along with a new trailer right now, and some game called Bodycount looks interesting, though i've no idea what it is exactly.

-so, until something else comes up, i'll lay off the videogames for awhile. God, i need some alcohal if im going to keep this up. maybe i'll go get some. brb!

-ok back....so, in Counterpoint today, Bowen made us listen to a 45 min long String Quartet...Holy Shit, that felt like a life time! Who ever thought that it was a good idea to have all of the movements melt into each other was a fool! seriously! you try to sit still for 45 mins, especially when you hear the piece end 8 times! and it really doesn't sound that interesting to me anyway....but then again, i was falling asleep because they thought it would be a great idea to have an 8:30 music class.....

-Once upon a time, there was this monkey! The Monkey's name was Bill. Bill was your generic brown ape, with the monkey paws, and the monkey feets, and he had a long ass tail, the size of Wisconsin! Anyway, while strolling through the town one day, with his tail destroying everything in that he just walked past, he ran into some hommies who were gunna get all up in his shit for messin' up their grill. But because Bill was a good monkey, he just turned and walked away, without knowing that his hugeass tail had just destroyed them with since its the size of fucking Wisconsin! by now, the tail had just realized its true potential and the fact that it could take over the freaken world because of its copious amount of mass, so the tail began thinking of ways to kill bill, (HAHA!!!) or atleast make him the dominant entity within his mind! Part 1 of Plan B began with a trip to the McD's where the he would place the poison fry within Bill's normal frys, in which to kill him. Too bad that the Tail didn't come with a brain, otherwise he would have known that killing bill with the fry would kill him too. But Bill ate it, and then he died, with a nasty lawsuit to follow. but it was easily worked out. Oh, and the Tail died too. THE ENDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-God dammit Namco! Half the People watching your press conference were waiting for Tales news, and they glissed over it in 30 Seconds.....SOB......

-But there's a new Ace Combat for something, and dear lord....Soul Caliber V.....I can dream that it'll be good, right? And then some probably crappy DBZ and Naruto Game......Not bitter...what are you talking about?

-Seriously, what happend to showing stuff off a E3? (side note, i hear they might revoice Tales of the Abyss, unless its the same actors....god no!) something something something, sobering up!

-anway, before i end, i should probably mention the obligatory FACT that Mr. Whitey does in fact, enjoy the smell of Mikes Farts, so fart away! oh, and something about poop and the fact that its a hilarious word, and when upside down, its spells dood....and when backwards, its boob.....and then upside down again its qooq. anyway, i'm done before yall think i'm high or something!

(Author's Note: ...I really need to look behind myself and make sure nobody sneaks up on me. Again. How lame is it that I came to and saw this typed on my computer screen? *sigh*)

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