Monday, May 23, 2011

Seek the Answers Through Work

It's another Monday. Another workday for myself, which means an off-day is soon to follow.
And usually, with off-days come good blogs - so the sequence would say.

Oh, I don't know. I'm just throwing words up here as I think of them. Perhaps this is the simplest form of blogging (and in that regard, writing) out there? Why can't I do that now with my own writing?

Hm. Perhaps I'll ponder it over work. And while I eat my lunch.

Why do I think freely when it comes to simple matters such as thinking of what to write on today's entry, yet fail to get anything done when an actual writing project comes along?

Maybe I'll get the answer to you tomorrow. For now, work awaits me and the crowd of people who didn't get raptured on Saturday! (Wait... nobody got raptured. HAH!)

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