Saturday, May 14, 2011

Quick Reload

As I've got a few errands to run before I go in to work tonight, I'll do my best to condense anything I want to say.
And by "anything I want to say," I really mean "anything I can actually think of," because I'm just not in that writing mood. *shocked gasp*

Yesterday, Friday the 13th... it was somewhat rough. I got through okay, but there were three contributing factors:

  • a major bull-rush on the store (timed to start right after I got off my lunch)
  • that craptastic movie that came out yesterday (you idiot fangirls know what I'm talking about - a good third of the mob I encountered consisted of your rabid kind)
  • the aftermath of work (my friends and I thought we escaped the day with little scarring...)
All of these were enveloped into what I call "what made my Friday the 13th." It didn't kill me or my mood, but it sure as hell put a dent on my energy levels.

Now, I'm not certain if I'll be at 100% today - I'll be lucky if I'm even at 75% operating condition.
Of course, it's just energy levels - my mood's still been in a pretty high-spirited state, so I'm sure that counts for something.

Guess it's time to reload and refuel, because life won't give me that opportunity willingly. *smiles*

So, if you'll excuse me, I got some things that need to be done and over with before I head off and earn my pay for today. I'll catch y'all later.

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