Monday, May 9, 2011

Keeping Information

So, if you're skimming my blog, you're probably noticing that this post is relatively short.
While it may look as though I failed to uphold my end of the bargain, I will now redirect your attention to a brand-new* page on my site - the "About Me" section!** Now my small reader base can find out more about me and what not! Wai~!

If you're unhappy, then tough - my blog, my rules. In that respect, I'm counting this bio update as the "better thing" I supposedly promised you all. =P

* = Okay, so people who've been here for a while know it's not really a brand-new page... but it beats that "{ U N D E R   C O N S T R U C T I O N }" I had on it, right?

** = "About Me" just seems too... bland. Anyone have any other ideas?

In closing, I want to share with you something I discovered earlier today that sort of spooked me out*. I stopped by work and found out I wasn't working today (which is odd - I always seem to work on Mondays...).

As I came out and walked to my car, I found a tattered piece of paper on the windshield. At first I thought some random solicitor was just slapping advertisements on every vehicle out in the parking lot, but when I read it, it just felt... weird.
"At night, we played poker with Scott the guard, Alias and Steve the researcher. Steve was very lucky, but I think he was cheating. What a scumbag."
...what the...?

* = If you get this reference, DO NOT SAY ANYTHING. *snerk*

Well, aside from that... weirdness... and the semi-exciting update on the biography page, that's all I have to report. If you'll excuse me, I need to study for finals. Whoo. *waves bye*

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