Thursday, May 12, 2011

Non Sequitur 2: "Forecasted Renovations"

A question I posed myself: "How do I increase the readership of this little blog of mine?"
No answers have presented themselves yet, but I have some ideas.

Of course, with things going my way lately, I now have the time to test said ideas.
And ramble about random shenanigans at the same time! Thumbs up, soldiers!

Damn Dangerous - "Wrong Side of the Hax"
The Leet World: Season One Soundtrack

Now I'm willing to wager that most (if not all) of you are unfamiliar with The Leet World (unless you know what machinima is). A quick explanation on both before I dive into the music:
machinima is a cinematic production filmed using real-time computer graphics engines. More often than not, video games (such as the Halo series, World of Warcraft or The Sims) are called upon due to their readily-available and low-cost graphics engines.
Smooth Few Films' The Leet World is a Counter-Strike: Source machinima stylized as a comedic reality show.

Anyway, a few days ago, I was attempting to go through my external hard drives in an attempt to free up much-needed memory. I ran into a folder loaded various machinima and instantly was greeted with a wave of nostalgia. I went through some of the series I had in it (selecting random episodes from each), and when I ended up going through The Leet World's folder, I saw the soundtrack for their first season. Pretty good stuff, I'd say - the tension flows quite well in the track as well as the episode it shows up in.

Jerry Goldsmith - "The Huns Attack"
Mulan: An Original Walt Disney Records Soundtrack

Ah, Disney's Mulan... a personal childhood favorite of mine.
I liked the soundtrack to the movie, but when I hit random, this track came up, and I got the chills when the horns started blaring.

This track captured that feeling of inevitability quite well. Not only that, but I'd say this piece has been etched in the minds of all who've watched it - even without watching the movie, I can still hear that chilling battle roar the Huns cry out when they amass at the top of the mountain...

Michael Kamen - "Paraplui"
Band of Brothers ~ Music from the HBO Miniseries

A soft piano interlude gives way to the strings and a lone... I'm going to say clarinet (most of the woodwinds still sound alike to me)... and while it gives off a tranquil feeling, you can't help but notice that the strings also emanate a high amount of tension.

Quite fitting considering its use - the paradrop sequence for the ill-fated Operation Market-Garden.

Linkin Park - "WTH>You (Aceyalone / Chairman Hahn Remix)"

One of my favorite remixed tracks from Linkin Park's remix album.
As background music, it seems to work well for a variety of things - credits sequences, "nighttime driving" and PvP combat (montages).

* = Despite my good mood, why'd I pick stressing musical pieces? Am I just drawn to "not happy" things? *shrugs*

Well, hello, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to today's entry of The White Knight Chronicles!

DISCLAIMER: This is a non-sequitur entry. Like the last one before it, I'll just be talking about anything and everything. Please don't have an aneurysm over attempting to comprehend any form of "complex" and underlying meanings I may (not) have implied.

It's a Long Entry, Yes?

If you're wondering why I suddenly decided to post something huge here today (and why I decided to make this entry a non sequitur), then here's your answers on why:
  1. All my finals are done - my classes decided to have them smashed together on the same day. While that would cause immense panic, it also causes immense relief - as today was the first day of finals, I no longer have to worry about them... which means work and procrastination are now my only enemies from posting something decent.
  2. I've been having a good past few days. Quite strange, if you ask me, but I'm enjoying it.
  3. I woke up with a rather obnoxious and painful leg cramp that has yet to fully go away (right calf, if you're stalking curious), and as such, I'm not in any mood for any post-celebratory physical exertion. Writing doesn't require legs. =P

Feeling Good (and yes, I also mean the Muse cover)

You ever have one of those days where you just can't help but feel good the whole time you're up and about? Well, I had one of those days yesterday. It was pretty amazing - and to some of my friends, shocking and out of character.
It was a decent work day - I got my job done, I got to hang out with some friends, and I had enough time to draw up some ideas for this here blog.

Of course, now would have been a good time to do so, but apparently Blogger's been reverted to read-only mode to undergo site maintenance. Guess it'll have to be another time when I'm not working. Hrm. *shrugs*

Cars in Hillbilly Hell

Watching Cars on Blu-ray... wow. So much more awesome-looking and sounding.
I have to say... I looooooooooove this movie. Well-made, well-executed, well-watched by the mass public.
As amazing as it was when I first saw it, it just looks even better watching it on an HDTV and a Blu-ray player.

Blogger Down; May Mess With The White Knight Chronicles

So apparently, Blogger went down roughly around 1255 hrs. PST and as of the moment I'm writing this (2245 hrs. PST), it's still down. Theoretically, it could be said that I didn't post something on my Blogger site today.
While I feared a moment like this would come, I'm not going down without a fight. Therefore, I'll be posting this both on here and on Facebook. Should Blogger not come back online in time, I'll at least have people to verify that I did post on time.

I think it allows for a get-by due to a technical fault. I mean, I'm physically able to post and I made sure I managed my time well enough. Since it's Google's fault, I don't think I should be faulted on this, and I'm pretty sure you'd agree with me on that one.

If you don't, then... as some of my friends say: "Fuck your couch." (I still have no idea why we're screwing with a couch. Any one of my friends care to elaborate on this?)

The King of All Cosmos: "Um. So, this is being graded on a curve, yes?"

So, if you've never played any of the Katamari games, you're reaaaaaaaly missing out on what could be the greatest and only legal form of acid tripping in existence.
Between the ridiculous things The King of All Cosmos says ("'Checkbook:' a book filled with numbers. People either smile or cry when they read this. It must be a very good novel.") and the ridiculousness of the game itself, it is sure to give you a hilarious kick.

Don't believe me? Get a PS2 and invite me over. You will see how insane and trippy this series is.

As I'm with friends at the moment, I don't want to take too much time away from hanging out with them, so I'm afraid I must bid you adieu for tonight.

I'll see y'all later - and hopefully Blogger gets their stuff fixed before midnight. Either way, though... I'm safe.

Until the 'morrow, everyone!

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